`mock` breeding

Aloriana Shadowstar
July 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago
Edited 11 years, 6 months ago by Aloriana Shadowstar

I do not consider myself a large or even medium sized breeder, but I experience the problem now that it is hard to find compatible pairs, without spendng hours at the screen and making a lot of postit memos.

What would be inmense grateful, if there was an option t `check` pairs for compatibility where the system does not check for the age or if you have enough food. But does all the normal checks )not related''. It sure would make my life easier and would Always save at least 1/10000th of a tree in paper I use :)

ღ Şaвℓє Aηηє Quan ღ
July 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

LMAO at save a tree ... but if you pick one mossm to breed you can hit hide all unsuitable mates ... maybe that will help :)

July 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago
Edited 11 years, 6 months ago by Asymmetrical

Also, if you don't want to check the "hide unsuitable mates" box the, unsuitable mates are highlighted in a redish color.

sashabella Galtier
July 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

that is for mates that are related only not for their breeding compatability so that would not help...i agree it aloriana good point

Aloriana Shadowstar
July 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

Allow me to clearify, I do not want to hide the unsuitable mates (what would be the point in that in trying to figure out what to breed). But I would like to be able to try a pair out on the breeding screen -without- the age limit.

In other words see if mossm a of 34 months old can mate wih b of 3 days old (so just an ancestry check).

July 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

I'm really sorry, I'm struggling with understanding this request and I apologize for being dense. Are you asking that we put babies into the breeding screen for planning purposes?

Also, just for reference, unsuitable mates is an ancestry and oomf check. An unsuitable mate cannot mate with your selected Mossm because it is either a family member or out of oomf. If you hide them, you can only see Mossms that are suitable for mating with your selected Mossm.

Aria, can you describe in more detail what you mean by compatibility and why the feature I described above doesn't fit your requirement?

Thanks, both of you, for being patient while I try to understand your request.

July 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

I keep running into the problem to of BUYING a mossy only to get it and then it be related to what I may of been wanting it for after you get 20 plus mossys it gets hard to track who is what and so forth, IDK if there would be a way to compare someones mossy to your line or not but would be something good down the line as well.
And the ability to look and see on your own current babys mossys to see what you have to mate to would be great . I am breeding baby's as fast as I can to try to do something down the line ..days of waiting to be able to double check the line before I sell or pod etc gets to be a hard wait. Maybe babys could have a different test breed screen ..just shows what you may have to use and your not able to really mate them yet as they are not old enough.

July 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago
Edited 11 years, 6 months ago by Cilia

Asymmetrical, I believe you have it right. They are asking for the ability to run ancestor checks between babies and other babies or adults. That's for mossms that one owns.

For mossms you are thinking of buying to breed with one of your existing mossms, baby or adult, it would be good if you can do an ancestor check to make sure you are not buying a mossm that ultimately cannot breed with the intended mate. This also can happen if you buy a mossm at auction A and another at auction B, and then find out only after you buy them that they are related and only after they are old enough to pair up on the breeding screen.

One other point that was touched on is that the check for sufficient food comes too early, meaning you can't use the breeding screen to do ancestry checks (planning) unless you have enough food to actually do a mating. the "enough food" check would possibly be better at the time one actually attempts to mate by hitting the mate button.

July 9, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

Thanks Cilia. Some of these ideas are easier to implement than others. I'll take them to the cavalry for further discussion.

July 21, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

posting this ..thought here due to the fact it sorta covers the mock thing as well.
I would very much like the list to be able to show all adults in one list..they are ready to breed so show and the ability to breed ..and you can tag with notes ..so that always helps out.

AND then we have the baby list ..so we can see what we have and a the MOCK breed so we can see what to keep what maybe be best to send home or sell and or raise to keep to work.
I spend so much feeding 80+ mossys sometimes only to find later I should podded, sold or gave away some.
ALSO the ability to tag the babys would help say I'm growing this one to say mate to such and so..SO far I tag babys as soon as they are born sometimes as I know what line it is I'm working down though.. other times I forget my own codes and have forgot to write it down to on paper ..only to find I got rid of what I had been saving it for.
and of course WE really need to see all our own podded mossys ..would help and be able to track where they are. and maybe a mock breed for them as well ..I have started podding keepers to save prims and then I have to sort out tree while in pod to keep from having to pop them out and then pop them back later in the pod after I breed.
just thoughts on some things I would find a big help as a person who is mainly doing for fun but may grow in time to do them at a larger scale (over 100) later so far I'm keeping them under 100 =D but so hard to do =D

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