Maybe you can help
I have not quit Mossms tho I have atm quit breeding them .. I love mossms the concept was awesome they are unlike any other breedable out there thus far .. mossm support has been the best out there ... staff support and tickets help top notch .. I would love to be those who breed and play for the sake of playing the game being on a limited budget monthly one has to atleast make money in order to feed no matter how many one has .. I wish I knew the answer but I like everyone else does not .. I miss my little buddies they took up the better part of my day breeding going to auctions and such ... it really sucked having to cryo them all I just could not feed them any more and ppl quit buying them .. I was never ever looking to get rich just enough to feed so I can continue to play .. Crux was my breeding partner and she was always working and being encouraging she is amazing ... if mossms could make toast and then eat it so they can make more mossms who can make toast and eat it that would be awesome and then well heck I would say let them eat cake ... giggles I to check back here every few days hoping to see something new .. Don't feel bad Lelou I was late as well ... mossm hugs everyone
Sable, there is nothing wrong with being in one market segment or the other. You just happen to be in the segment that is struggling at the moment. We feel strongly that we can salvage it but not the way that it is.
Lelou, I appreciate your point of view very much. You've been a strong voice and a very active figure in the community. We definitely do need to do more advertising and we will but I do not believe bringing in more people right now will remedy our problem, they will come and go just as they have been since launch. We need to have something that they will love when they get here! Our current plan is a very large marketing push(we'll continue marketing afterwards) about midway through the reinvention process. Our hope is that new players we find going forward will fall in love with and feel confident using our systems.
Something interesting too, one rough part about the development of a game like this is that we don't always know how we are going to make things happen. We spend hours, days and even weeks trying to come up with the best way to do things and sports was one of those things and the primary reason it was taking so long. Once we actually have a solid plan things begin moving very quickly. As weird as it sounds, croc wrestling may actually get here faster this way than the way we were doing it. We were quite stuck before and no longer are.
I fully realize that a revamp is a large pill to swallow It was really hard for us too. But its important that we let go of emotional attachments and be real with ourselves if this thing is ever going to grow and be successful.
I am seeing a lot of the thing patrons have brought to me brought up in this forum. This is why I started this one. And as always the answers from the creators are quick as well. Painted nations isn't leaving, we will stay strong as well. I still believe the mossms have a great idea, and look forward to the revamp.
Thank you to everyone who is voiceing opinions, this is what the forums are for. And THANK YOU to asym for her responses and explinations as well.
mossm hugs to all
@Asymmetrical: regarding the landmark issue it is turned off by land settings. There is currently a JIRA I believe on the issue of LL taking away the setting to revert it back but some have filed a ticket with support for LL to change it for you.
^that is where the option used to appear. (copy paste link)
Asym, just a thought, maybe with the games to come, we could be given some kind of clues as to what skills to work on. Like the wrestling, strength high, a skill low, some skills need me average, type ideas? just a thought of way to give people something to breed for rather then just color?
hi asym first of all I think you guys are great all the team , secondly my point I was making was to me the mossms was marketed as a new type of breedable ,yes its different to everything else out there and I love my mossms I wont be going anywhere ,but this is the thing im pretty sure it wasn't just me that read the marketing that I did see so I know of a lot of people that left amaretto to join the mossm family to try out this new type of breedable ,unfortunately as you know there is a lot of breedables out there all trying to grab a share of the market and to a lot of people they felt there was no purpose to breeding the mossms so have left for other challenges , yes its a game too and to be honest if it was marketed as just a game I prob would of never joined , it was te banners proclaiming to all us out in sl world of a brand new type of breedable , that being said I have read your responses and am quite excited to what your plans are for the future and rest assured I,ll be sticking around to see how they pan out
Desy, those are some of the granular details that we will be providing later. We haven't programmed which stat goes to which sport yet. As soon as we know that the info I will provide it.
Jax, thanks!
Thanks Asymmetrical, I will continue to be apart of the community as that is one of the things I love about Mossms, The staff, creators, and breeders(players) are all lovely people and there is always the feeling that someone is around and available to answer any questions one might have. Lately,I have enjoyed the weekly talks as well and it's always nice to meet new people who love Mossms. If a revamp of the system is what you feel is the best move forward then you have my support. Does this mean breeding will be a little more predictable? I know for some of the newer players, the breeding is hard to understand and they are never quiet confident of the results. Personally, even after hundreds of babies I am still thrown surprises from time to time and have to really study the newborns page to try to figure out where that color/blend might have came from.
Yay. That's great news Lelou!
The answer to your question is, yes. We will keep the core game play -- you'll need resources -- you'll need to select a planet to breed on -- the blends will still come from the planets -- but the "recipes" will be simplified. So, even if you don't get what you wanted you'll at least understand why.
As soon as I get an OK from Prog (that means he is confident he'll deliver by a certain date) I'll give you guys more deets.
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Aug. 29, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago
As usual I am late to the party :P
I can only speak for myself here and I hope no one jumps down my throat. I have not left Mossms but I have given it serious thought in the last few weeks. I love the community and I really, really like the mossms themselves. Sometimes I just watch them for a little bit and it brings a smile to my face. That is not a big enough reason to personally keep breeding on a large scale, so like many other breeders I have scaled back. I went from 100+ Mossms to around 30-40 and today again I will have to cryo some to keep others in food.
I think the Mossms team are great people with a great product but it seems like no one really knows about Mossms. I wish they would advertise more because like I feel like there is some pressure on us the players to spread the word and get people involved with Mossms and I don't like that.
As for the improvements and transparency, I agree that there needs to be more of that going forward. I do have one complaint though, I have been hearing about crocodile wrestling for a long time. In fact, that is the reason I have stayed breeding because I wanted to see it and I wanted to try to breed mossms with high stats for wrestling. Now that I know that part of the development is getting put on the back burner, I have to ask myself do I really want to continue to breed?
Asymmetrical, I appreciate your trying to improve things and thinking of new things to do but I think for many people some of these things are coming a little too late. I think if we still have to wait for a feature that has been talked about for weeks upon weeks now I would like to see a reward system in place to help us get through these slow times. Anyways, that's just my opinion but I would like to keep reading people's posts to see what others are feeling about this very important issue.
P.S. I would like to take a moment to thank Crux Huntress for really going out of her way to help me stay motivated when I have wanted to throw in the towel. Mossm Hugs!