Loyalty Program
Really love that new idea of Loyalty Program !! red moonstars ? Woot
Thank You Asym
I personally think they are taking the pee and is a total insult , the mossm team are saying we have to keep our mossms and feed them for the next 60 days basically 2 months , what about all the people that have had them for the last 3 or 4 months been feeding them for the last 3 or 4 months then due to circumstances and the inactivity of the mossm team maybe cryo,d them for a short time ,thy are now gonna have to start building that loyalty up from scratch this is a insult the only way I can see this being retified is the loyalty is shown 60 days after you activated your account that way all of us that have been with mossms from the beginning will have something to show for the loyalty we have shown the mossm team by sticking by them
Willow & Durgama - Any 5 Mossms will do. It does not need to be the same 5 the entire time. You can rotate them in and out and send some to space like you've always done.
Jax - We are working super hard at providing new content that will give the Mossms value on the secondary market and revitalize our community. This program is designed to give our most loyal customer something of value. We could have done it retroactive but then there'd be a flood of new red Mossms with no real value and the end result would be a whole lot of our time wasted and your new item being worthless. I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy about it but I assure you our motives are good.
I wanted to add one other thought for Jax...
We've given away several things to show our appreciation for our paying customers and I'm certain you have some (or all) of them:
- Beta Mossms for converting from beta to paid player.
- Pizza ovens for being an early adopter by making a purchase in the first two weeks.
- Color Orange, free to all players that had enough resources - which requires alive/fed Mossms.
I'm curious, why weren't these programs offensive?
I love the idea!
"You can see how far along you are on your control panel." Tho i dont see anything on my control panel. I saw it earlier this morning but it disappeared. Is that normal?
After we get 1 red one after the 60 days will it start over working towards another ..or will there be something offered again new for a new 60 days?
I actually think this is nice -
and will there be a page list on the Breed Compendium page of rare mossy? I want 2 rare - just because they are my fave looking ones, but can't hardly ever find one to see info on them.
Aizik - You can only get the red one time. If we're finding that this program is successful we'll add more things to it. If not, we'll try something else.
Red Mossms will be added to the compendium nearer the time that the first red Mossms are awarded.
Unique Mossms can be added, yes. I'm sorry we forget them. I'll get that on to our backlog.
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Oct. 5, 2013
11 years, 5 months ago
I love the new Loyalty Program but have one question. It says You must keep five or more mossms alive for 60 consecutive days to receive the award. So if i have 28 now and some go, I have to have at least 5 that are alive for 60 days of longer? So the rest could go explore if i want to right? Just have to make sure I keep 5 alive.