Trade forum

Jan. 24, 2014
11 years ago

I would have expected more reactions on the trade forum, do people realize there is one now?

Jan. 24, 2014
11 years ago
Edited 11 years ago by Altered

News blurb, Group notices and there has been some mention in the group chat, I guess there are not as many people trying to sell as we thought :P But Assie it's the same with what I have set setup, so little response, kind of disapointing :(

Trade forum can be found here

Deb Heron
Jan. 24, 2014
11 years ago

So is the trade only for "Trade for Lindens" or can we also post, things we are looking for?

Jan. 24, 2014
11 years ago

Not only for lindens and everything related to mossms Deb :)

But I was wondering bout it, I stay mostly logged in on my page, and then I only see general discussion on control page. To find out about trades I have to choose the tab forum. Maybe that has to do with ppl not being aware?

Jan. 24, 2014
11 years ago

During our next planning session we'll consider making trade forum posts more visible in some way on the control panel.

We're working on a Mossm marketplace for advertising Mossms right now that will have some impact on this.

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