Game Progression: The Rate You Get Stuff
I really love the whole system so far ... Most of all I think it really great that already the babies do gain SLK so you can very soon get new items. In that way you do not have this "first days (which is often a week or even more) of waiting" where they do nothing than eating ;=)
I also love that you only get new items by the "work" of your mossms. I hate those boosters on other breedables which are responsible for overbreeding in my opinion. Also this "booster" thing is restricted to ppl with enough money. Okay you can argue that ppl just need to buy starter kits to get more items ... but as there are only special items in the starter kits this is again something different than those boosters and stuff.
I really would want to keep it the way it is :=)
Asymmetrical,.. the pet your talking about.. i barbeque'd mine i think a week after i got them ~whistles innocently~ as for the mossms i believe the way they are is absolutely wonderful.. they were easy to set up.. "take out of box, put stuff down, voila... no mess no fuss".. so easy and knowing that you can have them in your inventory alone without even needing to set them up is a great idea also (been thinking i want a pet that can be kept in my inventory and still work) these features are great...
i have to admit however i am following along with the others that baby items should be obtainable via SLK (tho i agree more so with Andreaus and NOT obtainable through L$ otherwise it turns into a -who has more L$- and becomes drab and boring) .. however obtaining baby items with SLK allows those of us who do not want to have a gazillion of the little guys running around but wish them as "family" can still build a full nursery.
I can see your points, especially making it easy in the first few minutes. I think I know what breedable you might mean because when I looked into it I had the same issue. I saw everything involved and decided it was too much work just to start. LOL I still think I would like the nursery items to be available with SLK like the other items. Provide one in the pack, but give the option of using SLK to acquire the others. That's just my thought.
Thanks, everyone, for taking the time to provide your thoughts. Seems you're all in agreement and it's a great idea! We'll let this thread go for a while before we make a decision.
Hello all! After browsing the forums for a few days and having interacted with the Mossms until my own were grown and also watching my friend, Kanra's Mossms grow and highly increase in numbers, I feel like I have enough experience to put in a few opinions. Considering this topic relates very much to my concerns, I'll be posting these opinions here. Now, dear mossm creators, don't take any of this the wrong way, but I'm just giving honest opinions here, and I don't think there are many in the beta or group right now that are in the same boat as me, and maybe they don't have time or words to say what they might be feeling too. However, this may be something yall deal with at launch, and I hope this sort of feedback might help out.
My concerns mainly, and I'm sure you've heard it a few times or in different word usage throughout beta, is the Mossms for small scale breeders. I currently have 4 mossms out. It's really all I can afford to put out right now, prim-wise, though I know you guys are working on a lower prim count so that isn't really bothering me for now. Still, even if the prims of these cute little guys was only 5, there will always be small breeders in the community.
From the pace they are going, it seems okay, but I think there needs to be a light tweaking. When yall first announced the lawn chair and achievements system, I decided to go ahead and spend some of the SLK my mossm babies had already made, which, with only 4 of them out, is not very much. Still, I didn't think nothing of it and enjoyed having my lawn chair ready for them for the next day when they grew up. I think they have been adults for two days now, and this morning I decided to give the breeding system a go. Though, much to my surprise ( because I'm silly and didn't check this ahead of time, I do apologize ) I couldn't afford to send them off to breed. And probably won't be able to until two more days or more. I may only be on the first little week, but it's becoming very apparent to me that one of the number one issues that I see most small breeders have is going to be very apparent in the Mossm breeding community and will discourage small breeders from staying involved or even joining at all.
This issue I am addressing, is the feeling ( and most of the time, fact ) that large scale breeders are going to enjoy and profit far more than small scale breeders. I am not giving names, but there are two breedables right now that I was deeply involved in in the past, but finally quit after months sometimes years of always being behind in the breedable communities. It is the feeling of taking one step forward ( if any steps forward at all ) and two steps back. Even in my current favorite breedable I am starting to feel that way, and I'm a fairly decent sized breeder in that one in my opinion! About 50 to 60 breeding at one time. Yet I am starting to decline in luck, even as a skilled breeder that knows what she's doing, I seem to not be benefiting very much at all.
The mossms pace is a bit too slow for breeders who can only have 10 or less out at any one time. The SLK build up, even for adults, is going to take the smaller breeders so very long to get a big enough community to enjoy even if they only want to have 6 in their lifetime running around. The game seems to be largely based on collection, which is okay, but if people want to choose between having a high number of Mossms, or a high number of environments and furniture, or both, there needs to be a better balance for all breeders, small scale and large scale.
Although I hate to say it, the pace right now seems a little unfair to small scale breeders, and I don't think the Mossms gameplay and method will be very inviting to those who can't have very many. Not just ones that want to profit, but also those who just want them as simple pets and nothing more. For the breeders to enjoy them to the fullest, they have to be able to rack up that SLK and get more and more furniture and things for their Mossms.
I do think it is indeed important to a business like yours to be able to have a reward system that deals mostly with your larger consumers, so large scale breeders will indeed get a little more benefit. However, the most successful breedable games I have seen, try to make that reward a bit hidden, or at least more equal. Perhaps there can be more aspects added to the game that will substantially help small scale breeders, yet at the same time be beneficial to all breeders no matter their number of mossms they own.
Hopefully this all made sense, just wanted to give you my two cents about this, in case. I know you guys wanted to hear more from your small scale breeders, so here's my little corner of opinions. Hope to hear from yall soon!
Hi Vesper. Thank you for taking the time to provide this feedback. We appreciate it it.
That said, I personally would love it if you would spend a little more time with the game to see how the progression goes now that you have adults and now that you have a better understanding of the strategy involved. Then I would ask that you revisit your thoughts here, after you've spent a little more time with them, and let us know if you are still feeling the same way. It is OK if you do and we want to know but I have a suspicion that you may not.
Vesper, I also had that concern. I don't know that there's anyway to make the game evenly beneficial for the small breeder who can only have a few and the large scale mass breeder who may have hundreds. Maybe the creators will figure a way. (('ve done awesome so far!! I am in no way knocking the Mossms as I'm somewhat addicted to them. LOL) It's just a sad fact that in any breedable a person who can afford, primwise and lindenwise, to have a large mass of the breedable will always move ahead of those who have to budget their prims and lindens. I do notice that further in the Mossms have kind of sped up in they're SLK production even after the initial adult speed up. I guess the point is, the larger scale breeders may make more resources and possibly lindens, but on the down side for them, they put alot more out as well. Imagine the food costs of 100 Mossms, compared to 10? It DOES even out. I budget myself and I can enjoy watching them and building for them and breeding them and maybe it's a bit slower for me but I also get to see what the large scale breeders get and maybe take some info out of how they got them and aim for what I like. That's just my opinion. :p But, something to think about. =)
I can see both of your points being valid. I was mainlg concerned because, while I know all breedables will have that uneven balance, it almost seemed like Mossms would have it a little worse. But, I'll be messing with them more and let you guys know how I fare. :>
i too am a small breeder the main reason why i chose to be apart of mossms was because i was bored with most breedables being controlled by huge breeders and mostly getting what they wanted from creators, i don't mean this to sound bad but some huge breeders try to dominate the creators till they get what they want to make their life easier, take auto petters as an example, huge breeders dont concern me though with the mossms as these are one breedable they will have to do some work to breed them, ok they might have loads of mossms that generate huge amounts of resources but when it comes to breeding their chances of getting rare mossms is no better than mine, plus prims wise they will have to dedicate a lot of prims towards environments, their food money will help to pay for future plans for the moosm team, which will in the end benefit the small breeder too, ok so i wont advance as fast as huge breeders but im not in any rush, i want to enjoy the game and all it has to offer, dont look at mossms as a way to make loads of money think more on the enjoyment and fun you will have :) also we will ALL be on the same playing field with mossms as they are no short cuts that can be taken,
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Feb. 25, 2013
12 years ago
How about as slk like the adult slk items but not so easy to get (mid-high slk price) or have it so you can get more as a mile stone reward.
i do like the current reward of if you get x in group you can has for the testing period ^^
it would then remove the confusion of buying it in store, and much like the other slk/bls/zip/teq be a reward for having them :)