Particle Types
You can get it by finishing an achievement . Complete Collection: Look at the Pretty Lights
You've completed the Look at the Pretty Lights Collection!
Unlock this achievement by completing "Look at the Pretty Lights" collection. Completion of this achievement awards Particle Type: Love Rocket!
And this is what you have to get to finish it..
Collection Requirements
5 Sonar Mossms
5 Moo Mossms
5 Shizzle Mossms
5 Splash Mossms
5 Storm Mossms
5 Iridium Mossms
5 Fur Mossms
5 Galaxy Mossms
5 Fluff Mossms
5 Lance Mossms
5 Paparazzi Mossms
5 Star Mossms
5 Fizzle Mossms
5 Zap Mossms
tyvm Starling, good to know, that a ready collection can give powerups, in a higher level.
I need to expand my land for mossms :-)
July 19, 2014
10 years, 5 months ago
yesterday I saw the wonderful Particle Type Love Rocket. where does this particle come from? I found nothing in the Guid.