taken a survey from the mossm community

Ψ Ⓕзηяiя ђeℓℓfiяє Čợɾε Ψ
Aug. 4, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago
Edited 10 years, 7 months ago by Ψ Ⓕзηяiя ђeℓℓfiяє Čợɾε Ψ

I would like to hear from the Mossm community.Do you think there are too many Mossm auctions? It would be great to hear your honest opions, and without any drama, on this topic. I hope that all Market owners listen to the community feedback. I know as a market owner I learned my lesson the fist time when Mossm market crashed.

Myzan DeSilva
Aug. 4, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago
Edited 10 years, 7 months ago by Myzan DeSilva

No I do not think it has to do with the number of the auctions.
In my humble opinion I think it because:
- people are selling more mossm then they send to space or use. (one doesnt need to get the collections you get the DNA easy anyway and its expensive to breed on the new DNA.)
- people are as happy with mossm from mossmopolis as they are with some from Appolonia, so there is no need really for them to go after the expensive planets.
But of course this is just my guessing :-)
- you can breed on stats as well on Mossmopolis as any other high planet so no need to keep so many Mossms or have any special coat (most coats look special in some way).
- and I think people actually fear that sports will be just another kind of "item" and not a challenge and some breeders now are starting to leave to other breedables. (admit this is my biggest fear that sports I have been waiting for is created to much for kids)
- yes and finally a second market who starts to dip quickly creates mass hysteria :-) (-> people leaves)
And yes I still loves Mossms and have faith in the company

Aug. 4, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

maybe it is partly because breeding on the cheepest planet is very cheap and goes really fast, people can breed there all they want for allmost the same benefits and sell the babies, so the market is basically being flooded, and extra motivation to opt for the more expensive planets might be helpfull.
and the sporting that is coming should really be entertaining and challenging to keep it alive and exciting, it has to be hard to be fullfilling I think

Majickk ŴĄиĐєЯĨиĞ Moиdai
Aug. 4, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago
Edited 10 years, 7 months ago by Majickk ŴĄиĐєЯĨиĞ Moиdai

Really the breeding habits aren't what i think mom is concerned about. The concern is that with every one having so many auction times it thins out the potential sellers.
There are 500 Mossm breeders. (no that's not an actual number i just made it up for the example) Out of this 500 only about 20% will be interested in auctions. that is about 100 people now that 100 people won't all be online and hoping to sell at the same time so we will make half of them pm breeders and half am breeders.
so with this example in mind
we have 9 am auction on Sundays at huntress.
there are a total of 6 auctions in the am hours in a week on sl.
IF those breeders showed up to EVERY am auction that would mean they would have to breed 6 mossms of auction value per week. most breeders can't attend every auction and certainly can't breed six high end mossms per week ... so what each auction is left with is 10 patrons or so who have mostly "mediocre" mossms.

By the numbers you can have too many auction house.

keep in mind i don't think any mossms are mediocre

Myzan DeSilva
Aug. 4, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

I think as long as people can gain lindens on selling there mossms on auctions you will always have people willing to sell, but when you have more sellers then buyers then the market crach and yes eventually the auction places will not fill up. If there is many people buying and selling many auction houses needed. I do think that solves itself though if the market crach some gonna get tired of running empty auctions. If the market goes up its gonna be enjoyable.

Ɗʝ Ɲɑtɑѕђɑ дɳɑ ℭɑђιℓℓ
Aug. 4, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

well personaly, I enjoy breed. When I need a mossm, I prefer look for in stores, so I dont do auction, to sell or buy, and even been an exception, guess I'm not the only one...
the chalenge on my opinion is you get the special baby yourself no buy it ready

Aug. 4, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

From my perspective here is what is going on:

Mossms is currently more successful than it has ever been and is growing a little more each week. With growth it stands to reason that people who are really inspired by the Mossms will have interest in participating in the community in a meaningful way. That means more auctions, more affiliates, more events and more competition. The idea that more competition is flooding the market or that Mossms is suddenly failing is misguided. Right now we’re growing not shrinking. So if we’re growing how come you’re not selling your Mossms? Good question! Its because buyers have more choices now. If a player can go to 8 auctions holding out until they find the perfect Mossm they will. That means that lesser Mossms with bad ancestry will be less desirable. It doesn’t mean that fewer people are buying it means they aren’t buying "junk." This is going to become even more true as we release the different sports and more emphasis is placed on ancestry.

The idea that you can breed on planet 1 to get the same result as planet 6 or 7 is flawed. While I do agree that Mossms from planet 1 are cute, people tell me every day that appaloosa and treefrog are too expensive on the secondary market. That means that those difficult to get and pass traits are desirable and people are paying for them or the sellers wouldn’t hold out at those prices.

My advice on the events/auctions etc.. don’t try to artificially control the market and definitely don’t limit the number of choices a buyer has. Instead give the buyers better choices. This is, of course, just advice. We don’t plan on interfering.

Regarding people leaving because of what they think sports might be… It seems a little silly to judge it before its even done. :)

Doogz Weston
Aug. 4, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago
Edited 10 years, 7 months ago by Doogz Weston

The market seems to be doing fine. It's just common economics supply and demand. The demand is high for mossms in the community so why not offer more venues for auctions. Yes prices will drop with number of people selling to keep competitive but in the long run it helps both sides. The buyers will have more chance of getting good dna in their lines and sellers will have more opportunities to sell which in turn gives them more linden to keep breeding. To preserve the market, auctioneers put the minimum bids into play so nobody tries to undercut the market. So no I do not believe there are too many. Plus, with sports coming auctions are going to be even more vital shopping for stats.....one other thing. yes i agree with previous comments that the market needs to work as it will. We can not try to influence it.

Aug. 4, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago

Just a Thanks for all who come to my place for auctions.
Looking forward for sports.

Ψ Ⓕзηяiя ђeℓℓfiяє Čợɾε Ψ
Aug. 5, 2014
10 years, 7 months ago
Edited 10 years, 7 months ago by Ψ Ⓕзηяiя ђeℓℓfiяє Čợɾε Ψ

I would like to thank the Mossm community for all the awesome feedback. I hope this information will assist market owners to give the community an enlightened and Fun experience. I can't wait for sports; my personal opinion is that MOSSMS RULES and the Mossm Community ROCKS!!

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