Web Play vs In World
Yes, we will have both. We are focusing on bringing the in-world components first, though. But don't worry, we will be bringing in the option to play online too.
Here's another question:
How do I not have a specific Moss. I bred 3 new ones, and I'm trying to stay at 20. Sadly, some Mossm will have to sleep in a cardboard box now. Anyways, I picked up one to see if it took them off my list, but he's still there. Am I still feeding him? Is he still making resources? How does that work?
Mossms live on whether they are in inventory, in a box, deleted or rezzed inworld. They will continue to eat no matter where you keep them! It is beta and food is free so that shouldn't matter too much, at least for right now. :)
We will, before we launch, be adding a feature that will allow you to exchange unwanted Mossms so that you can stay within your limits.
Asymmetrical mentioned--
Mossms live on whether they are in inventory, in a box, deleted or rezzed inworld.
Just so you know-- if you lose a Mossm and/or delete her, and want her back, you can use the recovery option under Help and have a new one sent to you.
Feb. 25, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago
I was wondering, is there going to be a way to do both? I like having them out because they're cute and people ask about them, but if I need to stay under my prims and want to expand my little mossm group, will I be able to have some in web only and some in world?