Achievements and Collections

June 1, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

doing collections is very nice i think. but what is the use of doing achievements? i realy dont need all those furniturethings, so for me it is a waste of breedingpoints.
why do we have to buy all that stuff?

Ҡαтε Ҡαтsʏ
June 1, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

It's for the greater good Lente!

June 1, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago
Edited 9 years, 9 months ago by Lente

Yezzz.......very good Kate

June 1, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

Achievements and collections are fun side projects for people to work on. They are not required though, so if you're not finding them to be fun, just don't do them and play in a way that is fun for you.

June 1, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

I also see it as a nice complement to the Challenge. And will I hope also increasingly supplemented

Princess Elena
June 1, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

I love it :) :)

ღαηgєℓ Đαηαოαíтђღ
June 1, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

If you take a look through the achievements on some of them you can get DNA. That way if you don't want to buy the mossm's with that item already on it, you can get it that way and mix it into your lines. :)

June 1, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

Yes, and hardest is to get aristo eyes by achievements.

June 2, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

I agree, doing those things is nice, my remark was just about all the furniture.....collecting mossms is very nice, but buying all those environments makes no sense for me.......

June 2, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

I understand, Lente. Collecting environments isn't fun for everyone which is why this is not required game play. For us and many other players it is fun to get a little silly/creative with the environment setups which is why we have some of these achievements. Creating a barracks full of bunk beds is actually pretty amusing - especially if you decorate around it! If it's not fun for you, that's OK too. Mossms are supposed to be fun so just enjoy them your way. <3

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