New Starterpack for the Pro Breeders

ʟᴜᴄɪfᴇʀ ᴍᴏʀиɪиgsтᴀʀ
April 3, 2016
8 years, 11 months ago

Maybe a new sort of starterpack
Without the stuff just new fresh blood starters, i think many of the breeders that have been with mossm for so long have tons of furniture that only makes your inventory bigger and never use them.

starterpack of 12 without furniture would be nice

April 4, 2016
8 years, 11 months ago
Edited 8 years, 11 months ago by Altered

I can see new people coming to Mossms might get a little confuzzled with that, but I love the idea. Had so much stuff I did not use, felt bad deleting most of it, but no point in paying for stuff you are not going to use.
Maybe it can just be an add-on for the Affiliate Vendors and not something bought at the main Mossms sim or on SL MP.

April 4, 2016
8 years, 11 months ago

We've tossed this idea around quite alot and are still undecided. While we realize it will be very helpful for old school players it would also cause serious confusion for a new player that comes in. They'd buy just a mossm and have no idea what they are doing and that could be pretty frustrating.

That said. I am open to ideas on how to introduce this in a way that won't cause confusion. However, simple labeling on the signs won't work... a huge majority of our customers don't speak English and the ones that do don't read. ;)

April 4, 2016
8 years, 11 months ago
Edited 8 years, 11 months ago by Davedawgg

I Just buy starters Never notice furniture in inventory, doesn't bulge much.
I could see where a new person may get wrong one....
maybe turn in all he old stuff for a Pool or something once you reach 50 bookcases or something IDK.

Ҡαтε Ҡαтsʏ
April 5, 2016
8 years, 11 months ago

Tossing this idea out there, but why not make a kind of gacha machine for starter mossms - pay the machine a certain amount and get a starter mossm fresh up, no furniture with it nothing just an unboxed mossm of random color. Maybe place a sign near the machine giving advice to new people to get the starter packs that provide the furniture kits. I am sure gacha addicts like me *coughs* will love one that gives mossms haha.

avalon Raymaker
April 5, 2016
8 years, 11 months ago

Well the vendors are well labelled - PICTURES!! LOL So that being said even a newbie, or one not speaking english knows exactly what they are getting as it shows them. For example 2 mossms and a crib, etc. You sell furniture packs alone, so why not mossm packs alone? Then to be sure there is no misunderstanding put a small sign of a chair for example on the bottom with a red circle and a bar through it which depicts no furniture, very simple. I mean if they can understand buying only furniture, surely they can understand buying only mossms, just as they understand buying only food.

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