Oomf Packs
what a nice idea......i would buy...collections so very hard to do with just a few mossms out
I think is also the a very good idea. What I but also very good would find is if you would paint or particle anbieteten against L$. And what do you think of a discount scale when purchasing feed
Hi all! Thanks for these ideas. We will add them to our list of things to consider.
Oct. 2, 2016
8 years, 3 months ago
it would be very well if possible having packs of Oomf for buy in sim of mossms, exemple:
5 Oomf - 3500ls
10 Oomf - 5000ls
20 Oomf - 10000ls
50 Oomf - 20000ls
100 Oomf - 35000ls
200 Oomf - 50000ls