Reviving a soft market
That is a very good idea Pepper . It would be great to have an event like this on the Mossmsim.
Yes I agree pepper, while we all love Mossms, many of us we sell them, and is been more than 4 months with a clear downfall, in the market, is not just me, but the majority of the people that we make business selling them are telling me the same. Is also clear looking at the market page, there use to be up to 600 adds, is down to 200 to 300. ITs clear thatn since races and challenges has stopped people are not buying anylonger. Is not just me most pf people that do sell mossms as a business say the same. If can not sell I also can not buy, is a domino effect. We need the challenges and the races back so people take interested back again on the mossms. I will need to freeze all my mossms and not longer buy food as they are not selling, like I said is a domino effect.
I suppose the lack of interest here tells me all I need to know. So sad. Mossms are absolutely the best. Puzzlemagnet wish you well.
Hi Pepper.
I'm sorry for the delay in response. Many of you knew that I was away and completely off-grid for 10 days while participating in an off-road rally. I am back now, getting settled back in to normal life and we'll be working on lots of things over the coming months.
This is always a very busy time of year for Mossms with holiday events so you'll see quite a bit going on. I will also be restructuring and resuming the breeding challenge though I wouldn't expect it for November.
We love Mossms as much as you do but like all things in life it has its ups and downs. We'll work on getting back to the ups again.
Yeah!!! I so love mossms so much and it saddened me to think they were going....I will keep for pets even if no market that is how much i love them
We're not going anywhere! We've had a rough year in our personal lives and Mossms has suffered some due to that but we never have had any plans to abandon it. We'll be here til SL closes its doors. *hugs*
I honestly don't believe that the mossm market is effected by your personal lives. When my partner and I were very active in mossm over a year ago, there was no racing or challenges then and the mossm community was thriving. We left due to ugliness in the community. Honestly the product is spectacular I have only once needed to reach a CSR the online ticket and recovery system is amazing and mossm are probably the most advanced scripted breedable pet on SL hands down. When things stop being fun people stop participating in them... Mossm have NEVER stopped being fun.
To clarify what I mean to say is... SL is a game. Mossms is a breeding game within another game SL. Perhaps, you breeders should stop thinking of it as a business... It isn't called mossm breeding business... Its mossm breedable GAME. Also maybe try being nicer to eachother and not so competitive. Again as I said..when things stop being fun people stop participating in them. Maybe the sales page and the auctions page have less entries, but mossm are still all over the grid there are multibreedable sims and lots and lots of mossm running around and cryo pods for sale pretty much at every sim you go too. I believe people still love and breed their mossm and there are those who will never stop regardless of what happens in the community or if they participate in community events or not.
I think the market is down right now due to school being back in I been in mossms for a few years i breed for myself but a sell here and there is nice, no buyers. had to take mine back to 5 when I'm use to
have 75 or 100 but not now :(
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Oct. 25, 2016
8 years, 3 months ago
I see so many venues now showing off designers, themes etc and they are full of people looking and buying. I think Mossms should have an event just like this. Have SL list it as a destination. Invite Mossm breeders to put up displays highlighting all the ways you can have fun and display them. So many are creative out there I would love to see it filled with people looking. Maybe getting more people interested in owning. Invite people who create. Let's breath new life into the best pet/breedable there is in SL.