Reviving a soft market
Great Idea PepperChile I do that with all my Mossms I integrate them into my land projects and next thing I know Mossms popping up all over the sim and the surrounding areas. I found Mossms because a neighbour had them had them hidden behind walls I just saw how much they would bring life to my land and made me want to build on the ground. The game aspect is great too and of course the breeding is so much fun.
I keep waiting for some strange mossm to come impregnate on of my little girl omg
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Oct. 28, 2016
8 years, 3 months ago
Sadly yes I see this across the grid. Owners having less now but wanted to do something positive to breathe new life into the soft market. I know a few have discontinued altogether and I sympathize but for a few of us, we will continue even as pets if nothing else as the interactions of mossms cannot be found elsewhere in SL breedables.
Go Mossms!!!
I totally understand real life having an effect. No judgements there just want to do my share to help.