May 2017 Breeding Challenge
Hi Amelie,
You are correct and I have added the one submission that was transferred several times back to the qualified list.
Dear Peinado, I just put a rule that seems that some people are not very clear
In fact some people have wanted to try to sell challenge mossms to my friends, saying that they could present the challenge and win it,
That is not true or honest
I did not say names, I just remembered a rule
Hugs :)
Thank you Alma for remembering certain rules. I wish everyone knew, so it would not be necessary to remember. Congratulations for your honesty and congratulations for all winners! I keep waiting for the next challenge.
congratulations alma, Rules are rules, I made many attempts, I will not present more challenges, if I bought mossm
Ok, I have sent Mossms to all of the winners. If you were not disqualified and you did not get yours, please open up a ticket and Myself or Buttercup will send you a new one.
For those of you that were disqualified, we are allowing you one more day (til midnight SLT on 6/2/17) to post a link for a Mossm where you are the original breeder.
Rule #5 is "You must breed the Mossm yourself." That should be pretty easy to remember! I'm guessing whomever suggested that you could buy a challenge Mossm didn't know that we keep track of a Mossms entire transfer history and that I really can tell who created it.
Hopefully that puts an end to the confusion and we'll just see winners again next time!
Congrats everyone!
Hello all.
Congrats to the winners!
Maybe I am wrong and in those cases when you have doubts, the best is make questions to clarify the doubts.
I have no doubt about the good and fair work of Asym.
But I think all rules have different ways of interpretations and each one can understand them on a different way. For that reason, I ask to the people to play on the fairiest way possible.
The anxiety of reaching the goal of the challenge, of breeding that most desired mossm, makes us think about any kind of "little tricks" to have it.
Does the rule say it is forbidden? Maybe not.
But for example, when a challenge mossm's owner and its parents' (fater and mother) owner are different...who or what proves that the mossm is breed "legally"? Is that mossm transfered after breeding? Or have been the parents transfered and then transfered back to the first owner after breeding? Or is just a purchase in a shop (like Alma has commented) and introduced in the forum as your challgenge breed? I don't see it very clear.
The truth is, it really sucks when you make a lof of tries during all the month, using all your resources, the food and the money that the food costs and you don't get it and you see those "not clear" results in the forum.
I apologize in advance if I have an incorrect point of view and I give thanks in advance also if someone wants to correct it to me.
I hope to keep meeting you all in the wonderful Mossm World.
Good luck in the following challenges and see you around!
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June 1, 2017
7 years, 8 months ago
Dear Asymmetrical - I find nothing in the rules of the breeding challenge that a breeded mossm can not be transferred to others for breeding.