transfering items
You are right clicking and selecting share and then choosing the person you want to send it to? (good for folders) Or open their profile and drag and drop it into the area for Giving Items? (good for single items) Or open a personal chat tab with that person and dragging the item into their chat? (also for single items)
The environments are no mod, no copy and no transfer. There is an item in the contents that is no transfer which inhibits you from trading it to others. Only Mossms and Cryo Pods are transferable.
June 23, 2017
7 years, 7 months ago
so i have seen it where the items say Transfer when rezzed out but when i try to see if i can actually transfer them from my inventory i can not any tips or hints on doing this would be helpful as i had a conversation with someone who had received items from a friend of theirs