Is breeding mossms a social game?
Well Lente... I have not been here as long as most u ppl. But in the time I have been, I find mossms very unsociable, except at auctions.
Not much in group chat either.
tayah, i was hoping on some kind of support from asym....we as players are nice to eachother, and yes that auction with roy and dave is great....but something is missing.....the support from the mossmmakers...that is what is lacking
We could organize a super party mossms, dance, pizza, drink, games...a costume party ...
What do you think? we prepare it?
Well, it is clear that there are fewer and fewer things to do with them, before there were races, events, many auctions, people were motivated, there were more challenges and parties.
I think I will freeze my mossms until things are done again, I spend a lot of money on food and rents, and if it only consists in having babies with 2 I have enough.
It makes me very sad, there are wonderful people in this game, but if do not get motivated a little more I think this will not have much future... at least for me :(
You said it very clear and good alma and i agree totally. maybe we should all cryoo our mossms and wait for beter times. i realy hope they will come....and yes so sad. :(((
Well said Alma. I already cryro'd a lot of my mossms. My numbers are way down. There doesn't seem to be much to do besides breed the beautiful mossms. But costing way to much just to breed. I really do hope it all changes soon.
I have little time to play sl, so mossm became to expensive for me. Now i have only a few and going to cryo them soon...
Hi All,
Thanks for the open and honest feedback. I realize that the summer months seem a bit boring and a little like the sky is falling down as Mossms are concerned. It's simply not the reality... though I understand how it can feel that way.
We do free events monthly starting in October and going through April. May-Sept we don't do any events for a few reasons... for example, doing back to back events for months on end is incredibly time consuming and I end up ignoring quite a bit of RL to get those together for you. The summer months are less busy in Second Life because people are doing outdoor things so this seems like a good time for me to take a break from all of the events. Plus, there aren't really any holidays that are globally recognized that fall in the summer time. We don't do 4th of July because we are an international community and 4th of July is an American holiday.
If the downtime between the easter event and the halloween event is making everyone feel bored I have this as a possible suggestion:
Rather than do events every month from October - April I can do them every other month throughout the year. This would mean that some holidays get skipped but in exchange there would be more regular activity going on. What do you all think of this idea?
Regarding races at Mossms HQ. We only did a handful of these and the interest was very small so I stopped. I'm willing to try this again if there is enough interest.
Any other ideas for social activities?
Maybe u could do Valentines, and St Patrick's.. which I believe were missed this year... just a suggestion
July challenge too?
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July 29, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago
to play or not to play...that is the and who is keeping this game going on?