Is breeding mossms a social game?

Aug. 2, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago
Edited 6 years, 5 months ago by Alma

Thank you for answering Asym, when I started with mossms, more events were done than this last year, I do not mean July 4, that was never done, but there were more, like the challenges were more continuous, I understand that rl is first, but maybe if you create a support that organizes things, it would be easier and you would have your free time. I do not mean only events, it was in general, there was much more activity years ago.
Maybe it was my mistake to create expectations that were not real, I do not know, but I've talked to more people who have told me the same, there are even people who have stopped playing and were good breeders,
I would love to continue as always and breeding my beautiful mossms, I still think that they are the best breedable of sl

What Tayah says is what I mean, little by little things are lost and in the end nothing will be done...

Aug. 2, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago

Tayah - we missed valentines day due to my Multiple Sclerosis. I was sick for 2 months straight. It is the only event we have missed since we started doing events and I'm sad that we missed it but I won't apologize for it. We did not miss St. Patrick's Day, we had two events, the dance and the shamrock hunt. Unfortunately the July challenge is too far behind so I'm skipping it but the august one will be out tomorrow.

Alma - I think people are not really remembering correctly. We have never done summer events. Our very first event was the Parade of Mossm Homes in April of 2014. we did that one with a HUD because we didn't have the automated system yet. Following that first parade of homes here is a list of every event that we have done:

May 2018 Breeding Challenge
2018 Parade of Mossm Homes
April 2018 Breeding Challenge
2018 Mossm Spring Easteravaganza
Mossms St. Patrick's Clover Picking 2018
Mossms Snowblowing Extravaganza 2017
The Mossms Halloween 2017 Spooktacular
2017 Parade of Mossm Homes
2017 Mossm Spring Easteravaganza
2017Mossms St. Patrick's Clover Picking
Mossms Valentines Day Love Zap
2016 Snow Blowing Holiday Extravaganza
The Mossms Halloween 2016 Spooktacular
2016Mossms Carnival (Huntress Event)
2016 Parade of Mossm Homes
2016 Mossm Spring Easteravaganza
2016 Better Late Than Never St. Patrick's Celebration
2016 Mossms Valentines Day Love Zap
2016 Snow Blowing Holiday Extravaganza
The Mossms Halloween 2015 Spooktacular
2015 Parade of Mossm Homes
2015 Mossm Spring Easteravaganza
2014 Snow Blowing Holiday Extravaganza
The Mossms Halloween 2014 Spooktacular

We did do a couple of silly things to launch new content in the early days (like the color orange) and before events were a thing we had freebies you could pick up every so often on the main platform. We attended some creator meet-n-greet sessions that were hosted by other members of the community. We also participated in a couple of RFL events in the early days but participation in that event required us to make a one of a kind Mossm. The community didn't like the one of a kind Mossm because it wasn't something most people were able to afford so, we stopped participating in those.

I'm not suggesting that you are wrong about the lack of social stuff happening but the amount of content we're delivering (which has routinely been just a few things per year) isn't much different than it used to be. The first year of Mossms we introduced 2 new planets with corresponding blends, the color orange and the loyalty program. The second year of Mossms we introduced new traits (eyes, ears, tails, shiny, particles) and collections. The third year we introduced the breeding challenges and a new planet with corresponding blends. The fourth year we introduced racing. The fifth year we added new achievements and collections and 2 new blends. We're now on our 6th year and have introduced a new ear, a new blend and automated breeding challenge rewards (so far). This is in addition to all of the events.

Certainly, I have not been logging in enough and fully acknowledge that affects how people view us and I will do better with that which should help some. I feel like a bigger problem is that the newness has worn off for a good portion of our community. I think the people you are chatting with are remembering lots of activity but forgetting that a huge portion of that activity was community driven. We're still doing the same amount of content as we always were. That said, I'll try to do more things to rekindle interest for those who have left us and I would love ideas from the community - if anyone has them.

Aug. 2, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago

Okay, so let's move on, sure that we all get it together :))

Aug. 2, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago

Yup, lets do that and don't forget to throw in any ideas, if you have them. I don't always have the best ideas. :)

Aug. 2, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago

Asymm.. U talked about spreading the events... asked for suggestions... I was just giving suggestions... :)


Aug. 2, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago

Tayah, I think I misunderstood. Were you asking me to run the missed event late?

Aug. 3, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago
Edited 6 years, 5 months ago by Lente

hehe i started this discussion ...because i was feeling a lack of interest from you asym. mayby my problem is/was the missing of communication. sometimes a chall...sometimes not. sometimes an event...sometimes not.....
i think it is good idea to announce what will happen and what not....and then keeping that promise.
of course things can happen, like illness, but it would be nice if we know why things sometimes just dont happen....

Aug. 3, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago

and just an idea...i breed mossms for long time. i would be nice to support the long time breeders. some kind of reward? i would love to have another red one...without making an alt to get one

Aug. 3, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago

Lente - I totally own up to the lack of communication, especially in the summer months. There usually isn't much going on during these months and I get complacent. I will do better.

Regarding the red Mossm. I will talk to Prog and see how if we can make it a recurring thing rather than a one time thing. I can't promise it but I do think it is doable.

Aug. 3, 2018
6 years, 5 months ago

thanks asym, would be great....:))) and yes...i love my mossms and will keep breeding them

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