Dex and Strength

Mossm Dex and Strength


Strength 31.0995
Dexterity 16.0851
Intelligence 12.3351
Discipline 12.1848
Creativity 11.3881
Moxy 11.6165
Oomf 0
Cryo 0
Male ( 192dex HFN, str3109 )
Sonic Cake Cloud
DNA Scan: white-skin-white-curly-gradient/honkers-intensia
Gone Exploring
Age 9 years, 6 months
Born Nov. 1, 2015, 3:01 p.m.
Conceived on Black Starlight


  • Jan. 21, 2016, 7:52 a.m. 9 years, 1 month ago Sent exploring by Davedawgg. Dex and Strength will be missed.

Mossm Dex and Strength