Mossm christm


Female Christmas Lights

Str 12 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
5 years
Mossm Clay


Male Organic Snugglespark
(Dahlia, ۩Honkers۩)
Str 43.87 | Dex 14.15 | Int 12.59
Dis 10.66 | Cre 10.72 | Mox 12.20
5 years
Mossm Laurena the Fertile

Laurena the Fertile

Female Be My Valentine

Str 12 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
4 years, 11 months
Mossm Mamie


Female Amaryllis Pootyplap

Str 12 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
5 years
Mossm Osbourn


Male Highland Pootyplap

Str 12 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
5 years
Mossm ۩wiiggly۩


Male Plundering Cash Flour
(Wiggly, Nictwilek)
Str 11.58 | Dex 12.18 | Int 12.78
Dis 12.45 | Cre 11.12 | Mox 12.08
7 years, 5 months