Mossm Bernhard


Male Saddle Snuggling Lemonfondler Party
(Rosalind, Ingelbert)
Str 20.54 | Dex 10.69 | Int 12.24
Dis 12.80 | Cre 12.58 | Mox 12.27
1 year, 5 months
Mossm Beverie the Gift

Beverie the Gift

Female Reindeer

Str 12 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
3 years, 8 months
Mossm Daisie


Female Mossy Entertainer Banana Handler
(Rosalind, Nico Gay-apparel)
Str 21.32 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 11.82 | Cre 11.76 | Mox 12.26
1 year, 8 months
Mossm Dill


Male Gamekeeper Lemonfondler Entertainer
(Daisie, Ingelbert)
Str 12.80 | Dex 11.46 | Int 12.16
Dis 12.95 | Cre 11.92 | Mox 11.44
1 year, 5 months
Mossm Dita


Female Cozy Starglitter Crayons
(Rainbow badge, Ingelbert)
Str 12.20 | Dex 11.37 | Int 11.69
Dis 12.47 | Cre 12.16 | Mox 12.74
1 year, 7 months
Mossm Florian


Male Highland Pootyplap

Str 12 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
8 years, 9 months
Mossm Fredrick


Male Amaryllis Pootyplap

Str 12 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
8 years, 9 months
Mossm Gweneth


Female Hunting Cash Crossing Guard
(Rainbow badge, Laurie)
Str 12.77 | Dex 11.85 | Int 13.05
Dis 11.87 | Cre 12.95 | Mox 11.92
1 year, 5 months
Mossm Ingelbert


Male Elemental Comedian
(Janot, Bartolomeo)
Str 12.80 | Dex 10.92 | Int 10.81
Dis 12.95 | Cre 12.58 | Mox 12.06
3 years, 6 months
Mossm Jackelyn the Gift

Jackelyn the Gift

Female Christmas Lights

Str 12 | Dex 12 | Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
3 years, 8 months
Mossm Laurie


Male WardenBrushstalker Raven Butter Slapper
(Kathrine, Crosby)
Str 15.94 | Dex 11.40 | Int 11.81
Dis 11.87 | Cre 12.95 | Mox 11.84
1 year, 8 months
Mossm Lorens


Male Hillbilly Cornographer Blue Lightning
(Melicent, I Love Merry)
Str 11.25 | Dex 13.31 | Int 12.29
Dis 11.34 | Cre 12.28 | Mox 13.35
5 years, 7 months
Mossm Maris


Female Romantic Blue Lightning
(Rosalind, Ingelbert)
Str 21.01 | Dex 10.89 | Int 12.24
Dis 11.82 | Cre 13.13 | Mox 13.25
1 year, 5 months
Mossm Rainbow badge

Rainbow badge

Female Rowdy Brilliance Sun Dancer
(Sherri, Redford)
Str 12.77 | Dex 11.81 | Int 12.65
Dis 12.47 | Cre 11.73 | Mox 12.45
3 years, 9 months
Mossm Roarke


Male Marbled Electron Raven
(Faunie, Even)
Str 13.41 | Dex 12 | Int 12.29
Dis 11.49 | Cre 13.12 | Mox 10.10
1 week
Mossm Rosalind


Female Gamekeeper Lemonfondler Entertainer
(Thomasine, Glendon)
Str 29.23 | Dex 11.37 | Int 13.68
Dis 11.82 | Cre 10.98 | Mox 12.47
1 year, 8 months
Mossm Tildi


Female Ranger Bastion Traffic Cone
(Beverie the Gift, Ingelbert)
Str 12 | Dex 10.54 | Int 12.13
Dis 12.77 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
1 year, 5 months
Mossm Vic


Male Ancient Sun Dancer Yolkahontas
(Daisie, Lorens)
Str 15.89 | Dex 12 | Int 12.93
Dis 11.34 | Cre 12.02 | Mox 12.09
1 year, 5 months