Stela Zanzibar: Mossms
Female Anniversary Cookie
Str 12
Dex 12
Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
8 years, 9 months
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
Caresa Spring
Female Easter Eggs
Str 12
Dex 12
Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
5 years, 9 months
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
Female Croakalicious Moon Glacier(Karmen, Arnoldo)
Str 11.56
Dex 11.81
Int 11.20
Dis 11.53 | Cre 11.59 | Mox 12.10
9 years, 8 months
Dis 11.53 | Cre 11.59 | Mox 12.10
Female Dappled Sun Dancer Seafury(Colline, Ocean)
Str 15.23
Dex 12.55
Int 12.45
Dis 11.18 | Cre 13.07 | Mox 10.97
9 years, 2 months
Dis 11.18 | Cre 13.07 | Mox 10.97
Female Rockin Frost Spirit(Tybie, Muse)
Str 13.48
Dex 12.72
Int 11.96
Dis 12.07 | Cre 12.11 | Mox 12.27
3 years, 3 months
Dis 12.07 | Cre 12.11 | Mox 12.27
Male Penguin Overlord(Tandi, Lucky Corbet)
Str 12
Dex 11.94
Int 11.02
Dis 11.86 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
8 years, 9 months
Dis 11.86 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
Jacobo the Treat
Male Scary Creatures
Str 12
Dex 12
Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
7 years, 3 months
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
Jonas Sparkleparty
Male Cyclonium Ladybug
Str 12
Dex 12
Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
9 years, 8 months
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
Organic Ravan
Female Organic Raven(Sybilla, Jonathan)
Str 12.93
Dex 12.72
Int 12.49
Dis 11.30 | Cre 11.79 | Mox 12.56
3 years, 3 months
Dis 11.30 | Cre 11.79 | Mox 12.56
Male Razzleberry Dazzleberry Rumplebumpy Humpeepuff(Carolin, Jonas Sparkleparty)
Str 12
Dex 11.89
Int 11.28
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 11.43
9 years, 7 months
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 11.43
Male Razzleberry Dazzleberry Rumplebumpy Humpeepuff(Dasha, Burtie)
Str 12.60
Dex 10.44
Int 13.12
Dis 13.65 | Cre 14.71 | Mox 10.88
10 years, 1 month
Dis 13.65 | Cre 14.71 | Mox 10.88
Female Snake-eyed Starglitter Glacier(Vinnie, Gerhard)
Str 13.15
Dex 12.56
Int 10.61
Dis 12.02 | Cre 13.53 | Mox 12.83
8 years, 7 months
Dis 12.02 | Cre 13.53 | Mox 12.83
The Spirit of Chariot
Male Scary Creatures
Str 12
Dex 12
Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
7 years, 3 months
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
Female Cotton Candy Swirl
Str 12
Dex 12
Int 12
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12
8 years, 7 months
Dis 12 | Cre 12 | Mox 12