Asymmetrical March 20, 2014 10 years, 10 months ago
Below is the transcript from our recent Q&A. Please note, this is an edited version and most of the chat has been removed and only questions and answers remain. ____________________
[10:01] Asymmetrical: So it's 10am and we're moving this to text for the hearing impaired so I'm going to get going! [10:01] Asymmetrical: We're so thrilled to have you all here, thank you for coming to hear us talk. [10:02] Asymmetrical: For those of you that do not know, we are a family business... Progenitor and Coolbrain are brother's and Prog and I are married and we all live in CA [10:02] Asymmetrical: and thats the boring stuff [10:02] Asymmetrical: So... some things I want to cover before we open the floor for questions [10:03] Asymmetrical: we recently fixed the mossm animations so they are smoother and break apart less. [10:03] Asymmetrical: If you want to update your mossms you can do so [10:03] Asymmetrical: but you do not have to [10:03] WHISPER DEAF FAIRY OF SL (jihan.wonder): raises hand [10:04] Progenitor: You should try the new 1.12 mossms if you're not already. They're way better. You can get them by doing a recovery if you have a small number of mossms. [10:04] Progenitor: Go ahead, Jihan [10:04] Progenitor: If you have lots of mossms and want to update them, we'll have the 1.12 updater ready very soon [10:04] WHISPER DEAF FAIRY OF SL (jihan.wonder): i fink my mossems died do i has to start ober [10:04] WHISPER DEAF FAIRY OF SL (jihan.wonder): beena long time [10:05] Progenitor: If you have mossms that died, you can recover them by going to the recovery screen and it'll give you an option for bringing them back [10:05] Progenitor: if you have any trouble with that for any reason, file a ticket and we'll help you straighten it out, no problem [10:05] Jiminy Kling: do that means mossms V1.12 would make less lag, if lag it is? [10:05] Asymmetrical: St Patrick's day promo ends next saturday so if you haven't gotten your gift be sure to beat someone at the drinking games [10:06] Progenitor: The change to 1.12 mossms improves how they animate and makes them break apart less, but it won't reduce simulator load lower than they were before, I wouldn't expect. [10:06] Aℵgєℓ Draven (innocentangel07): how do you update them? [10:06] Aℵgєℓ Draven (innocentangel07): ---> IM completely new at this breed so don't understand [10:06] Aℵgєℓ Draven (innocentangel07): how do you do a recovery [10:07] Progenitor: Angel-- there are two different ways you can update them. You can either use the recovery system now, or within a day or so we'll release a 1.12 updater. [10:07] ćőŕptéddý áŕáwń (corpteddy): you can tp whit the mossms stuck on your avatar? [10:07] Asymmetrical: Any more questions about 1.12 mossms before we move on to Eyes Ears and Tails? ;) [10:08] Progenitor: Yes, you can tp with mossms stuck on you [10:08] Progenitor: The communicator is the way to get them to do it. It's fun... [10:08] Asymmetrical: OK, Eyes ears and tails.... [10:08] Asymmetrical: Behind me you can see Yevette who has some pretty new blinking eyes [10:09] Progenitor: Zoom in really close to the eyes if you haven't yet... they move in a way you might not expect. This particular kind does anyway [10:09] Asymmetrical: she is quite the charmer [10:09] Progenitor: Only the girls have eye shadow. Boys don't. [10:09] Asymmetrical: we'll have several new eyes like this [10:10] WHISPER DEAF FAIRY OF SL (jihan.wonder): raises hand [10:10] Asymmetrical: In addition we will be introducing several new ears and new tails [10:10] Progenitor: Yes Jihan? [10:10] Asymmetrical: Right now, we are expecting to release these in the first week of april [10:10] WHISPER DEAF FAIRY OF SL (jihan.wonder): will they has clothes and hair [10:10] Myzan Desilva (myzan): and how will we be able to get those ears tales and eyes? [10:10] Jiminy Kling: the eyes Asym? or all new traits? [10:10] Asymmetrical: all new traits [10:11] Progenitor: We have experimented with both clothes and hair. I have a mossm upstairs with a Slayer T-shirt [10:11] Progenitor: but we're not releasing that right now; right now we're focused on eyes ears tails and sports [10:11] Asymmetrical: We're super excited about it, it was quite a challenge to overcome with Mesh [10:12] Progenitor: Asym and I just saw Tool a couple of nights ago in san francisco. She almost got in a fist fight [10:12] Myzan Desilva (myzan): and how will we be able to get those ears tales and eyes? [10:12] Asymmetrical: That's a good question! [10:12] Progenitor: There will be several ways you'll get different types. [10:13] Asymmetrical: We expect to use planets like we do with blends, but also have some more exotic ones available with splurt and as achievement awards [10:13] Asymmetrical: so you'll need to use all of the existing game mechanics to get the eyes ears and tails [10:14] Majickk MonDaI ђυηţяєşş (magi3): will all the eyes blink now or will i have to work up to blinking? sorry if you answered already and i missed it i'm still working my f/l [10:14] Jiminy Kling: do that mean a planet 6? [10:14] Asymmetrical: yes there will be a new planet, possibly 2 new planets [10:14] Progenitor: All the eyes will blink. Not all the eyes will have animation inside as this one does [10:15] ţяιχιє ριχιє (arachne.anatra): Do we have to manually update them? [10:16] Asymmetrical: You can update them by doing recoveries if you want them right now, or you can wait a day or two and we'll have an updater ready for you [10:16] Asymmetrical: Thats the most recent update and it is not mandatory, its just a visual fix [10:16] ţяιχιє ριχιє (arachne.anatra): Are the Mossoms inventory safe? Or do they starve there please? Sorry I am quite new? [10:16] Progenitor: you can update them 20 at a time now, using recovery here Or we'll be providing an updater soon taht does them all at once. [10:17] Asymmetrical: Mossms will starve in inventory, if you need to preserve food you should put them into a cryo container to stop them from, eating/tgrowing [10:17] Progenitor: clarification regarding starving and eating in inventory [10:18] Progenitor: Mossms exist just fine in inventory, they are safe to keep there [10:18] Progenitor: they continue to eat from inventory [10:18] Asymmetrical: any other questions about eyes ears and tails? [10:18] Myzan Desilva (myzan): oh yes you do not have more to show? [10:19] Progenitor: We were not quite ready to show the eyes ears and tails. We'll be ready to show them soon [10:19] Progenitor: oops, I mean the tails and ears [10:19] Asymmetrical: Desy, yes. You will be able to pass the eyes, ears and tails [10:20] Jiminy Kling: damn i didnt see the answer im sorry, does that mean you will release a planet 6? with higher ressources needs than faunarosa? [10:20] Durg (durgama.greatrex): where are we gonnaget the new traits? [10:20] Durg (durgama.greatrex): from breeding them on planets? [10:20] Durg (durgama.greatrex): or from splurt [10:20] Asymmetrical: A little bit of all of that, Durgama [10:21] Durg (durgama.greatrex): well i hope we will see it and read it when they come out [10:21] Asymmetrical: we're also going to have some from achievements [10:21] TULA (tulatara): will there be any other way of getting splurt than through sending them to space, i don't like sending them away hehe [10:21] Asymmetrical: haha Tula They like to go to space [10:22] Asymmetrical: after a while you'll have lots of the same thing and it wont be quite so bothersome to send a few away [10:23] Jiminy Kling: what is about sports and mossms teaching them? [10:23] SweetLatavia: Is there an age limit to send away to space?ll [10:24] Asymmetrical: Prog can answer that question, Jiminy [10:24] TULA (tulatara): speaking of keeping them around hehe, will the oprion to turn them eternal come after the launch of ears and tails and eyes? [10:24] TULA (tulatara): option* [10:24] Asymmetrical: Sweet, no age limit. You can send them whenever you want. [10:24] Asymmetrical: Tula, making them pets, making them stand still, turning off particles will come after sports. [10:24] Jiminy Kling: new planets you said, with need of new ressources? [10:25] Asymmetrical: Durgama, yes there will be a new planet or two [10:25] Asymmetrical: but no new resources [10:25] Jiminy Kling: oOo [10:25] Progenitor: Jiminy asked: what's this about sports and mossms teaching each other. In Mossm sports, there will be a number of different ways that a mossm increases in skill in their sport, just like in the real world: exercise, practice, and getting advice from other more experience mossms (coaching), and possibly classroom training. [10:26] Asymmetrical: We decided the website would get entirely too cluttered with more resource types so we'll make use of the ones we have [10:26] Durg (durgama.greatrex): and breeding mossms on that planet? [10:26] Jiminy Kling: will particles be usefull to get new traits also? would be a great idea :D [10:27] Asymmetrical: That's right, you'll breed for eyes/ears/tails on the new planets [10:27] Desy (robdester.redangel): I have the drinking game, and my mossms play on it, what resources do they gain is any by using it [10:27] Durg (durgama.greatrex): not coats and blends? [10:27] Asymmetrical: stopping for a moment so Myzan can read what Prog wrote [10:28] Asymmetrical: Did you get caught up Myzan? [10:28] Myzan Desilva (myzan): Yes thank you [10:28] Durg (durgama.greatrex): are there any training devices? [10:28] Asymmetrical: We will continue to make new blends as well, Durgama. We have a new one in the works right now [10:29] Asymmetrical: Desy, they earn slack in the drinking game [10:29] Myzan Desilva (myzan): May I ask when sports is comming and he is supposed to work? [10:29] Asymmetrical: Durgama, yes. There will be environments for mossms to teach one another in [10:30] Asymmetrical: we'll provide instructions on how the training works when it gets closer but on a high level... you put two mossms in an environment and the skilled one will pass on its knowledge [10:30] Progenitor: When sports is coming: we've already been working on it some, and will be focusing all of our effort on it as soon as eyes ears and tails are done. We expect it this summer then [10:31] Jiminy Kling: so eyes and traits starting april, then sports thise summer? [10:31] Asymmetrical: Dirk, the new mossms with eyes ears and tails will be release around the first week of april, possibly sooner [10:32] Progenitor: Eyes ears and tails are our active project now, and is nearly done. Sports is next after that. [10:32] Progenitor: We have some new stuff coming with sports, too... [10:33] Progenitor: mossms will be doing all kinds of tricks and things with people that they don't do now [10:33] soul9: do we have to play the drinking me with them? or they play it by themselves ga [10:34] Asymmetrical: soul, they can play it by themselves to earn slack [10:34] Progenitor: One of the things about sports that you might want to be thinking about is Leagues. In real world sports, there are leagues like the NFL or the Championship Soccer League... organizations that run tournaments and give our titles, prizes, and trophies. We're going to provide tools for players to run their own leagues. [10:35] Myzan Desilva (myzan): will we be able to compete with lindens? [10:35] Asymmetrical: Amberly, you cannot currently interact with other's mossms. Just your own. [10:35] AMBERLY WHITEBERRY (baby.loudwater): KK they keep askin her to pik em up :) [10:35] Progenitor: Myzan, I didn't understand. Can you restate your question? [10:36] Myzan Desilva (myzan): Yes when you race with horses for example you pay an entry fee and the one who wins win lindens [10:36] Progenitor: Ah [10:36] Myzan Desilva (myzan): will we be able to do the same with the leagues [10:36] Progenitor: We expect for there to be tournaments with cash prizes, yes. And usually those will have entry fees. But that'll be up to the people running the leagues [10:37] Asymmetrical: Shari: Splurt is supposed to be hard to get. The goal is to have things to work on all the time. [10:37] Myzan Desilva (myzan): I have to say I have never seen a breedable who has as high quality on everything they do as thsi company [10:38] Progenitor: Thanks so much! That's our goal, is to go way above an beyond on everything we do [10:38] Myzan Desilva (myzan): from homepage to the thinking behind [10:38] Asymmetrical: Thank you, Myzan! [10:38] Jiminy Kling: so true Myzan, well said :) [10:38] AMBERLY WHITEBERRY (baby.loudwater): Myzan i think so too n i been thru some of the best [10:39] Myzan Desilva (myzan): yes I have tried most but these I can really recommend for the quality and for doing what said [10:39] Myzan Desilva (myzan): so you shall be very proud over your company [10:39] Jiminy Kling: im not interested in competiting for lindens, but it wont be mandatory? If my goal is to make my mossms more skilled only, i will be able to do that? [10:39] Asymmetrical: Thank you so much, Myzan. We try very hard and that means alot to us! [10:40] Progenitor: There will be several different things involved in how skilled a mossm is in their chosen sport. One of those things that makes them better is competing-- an old veteran has an advantage over someone competing for their first time [10:41] Asymmetrical: You will not be required to compete [10:41] Asymmetrical: If you just want to make mossms with stats for the secondary market you can do that [10:42] Jiminy Kling: well i like to do mossms with great stats for myself first LOL, but i mean we could compete for fun with friends, no? [10:42] Progenitor: First we're going to release crocodile wrestling, because we've promised that from the beginning [10:42] Asymmetrical: Yes, exactly Jiminy [10:42] Progenitor: I'd like to do some form of ridable mossm racing right after that or possibly at the same time [10:43] ćőŕptéddý áŕáwń (corpteddy): you gona make mossms wrestle whit crocodiles? :( hehe [10:43] Progenitor: Tournaments will be created by players, so they don't all have to be for L$ [10:43] Asymmetrical: No you will not have to participate in big tournaments. Tournaments will be for fun not for progression. [10:43] Progenitor: I'd personally love to participate ina girl-mossm-only tournament requiring pink to be in the coat, with starter mossms within 3 generations of the parents, for example [10:44] Asymmetrical: So you could build a super mossm and go play in Magi's league if you wanted and she would supply the prizes etc.. [10:44] Progenitor: Tula - I'd like for some of the sports to be casual things where performance is all up to the mossms [10:44] Asymmetrical: Or we might hold a tournament but you'll never be required to compete [10:45] Progenitor: and the experience for the players is more like the relaxed social thing you get between parents and other parents at their kid's swim meet [10:45] Progenitor: And the mossms get distracted and stop for hte pizza and cotton candy on the side of the track if they don't have enough discipline [10:45] Asymmetrical: all, we have 15 minutes left. I've taken all of your names down and will give you all 2 splurt for attending today. If anyone has come and gone that you know of will you PM me their name? [10:46] soul9: how to use spurts? [10:47] Asymmetrical: soul, prog will answer that for you [10:47] Progenitor: How to use Splurt: you can buy things here with splurt: [10:47] soul9: ◕‿◕ [10:47] soul9: ty [10:48] Asymmetrical: Desy, Splurt was intended to be a long term project. So there's always something to work on [10:48] Asymmetrical: I imagine a year from now you'll still be working on Splurt ;) [10:49] Progenitor: Splurt we intended to be a big project you work on over time, possibly coordinating with your friends to try to get and share multiple different traits [10:50] Jiminy Kling: we will need new environnement like classroom if i understand well? How many land impacts that would represent, any idea? And do new traits means more LI also? [10:50] Asymmetrical: you can also just attend random events or answer my silly questions in group chat to get splurt ;) [10:50] Asymmetrical: Jiminy, we have not made the environments yet but we will keep them as low as we can. [10:50] Asymmetrical: The new mossms with traits are 9 LI [10:51] Progenitor: Yes, if you have aspirations to run your own league, be thinking about it! You'll be able to host your own championships, customize your triophies, design your own logo, create your own mossm titles... [10:51] Asymmetrical: Coolbrain came up with a really creative way to get the meshes to work and keep them low even with new eyes, ears and tails! [10:52] Asymmetrical: playground is on our list, assie but we wanted to get the features out ufirst [10:52] Çяυχ ђυηţяєşş (crux.huntress): i want to hear more from Prog and Asy...listens [10:52] Progenitor whispers: Durgama: yes, mesh is a lot easier to work with than sculpties in terms of flexibility in some ways, but it's way harder than sculpties in terms of breeding. So we had to create some innovative technical solutions [10:52] Asymmetrical snickers [10:52] Progenitor: Durgama: yes, mesh is a lot easier to work with than sculpties in terms of flexibility in some ways, but it's way harder than sculpties in terms of breeding. So we had to create some innovative technical solutions [10:53] Asymmetrical: the best way to think of Splurt and sending them to space, Amberly is to think of over crowding and over population. It gets too crowded and then its time for them to move some where less crowded! [10:53] Progenitor: We do intend to put out a bunch more environments, yes [10:54] Asymmetrical: 6 minutes! Anymore questions? [10:54] Progenitor: I have a question for you guys. You seem more excited about sports than eyes ears and tails. Or is it kinda both? [10:54] Myzan Desilva (myzan): Its sports for me [10:54] avalon Raymaker: kindof both [10:54] Jiminy Kling: no no no, im excited on both! [10:54] avalon Raymaker: we could just get silly on the sports [10:54] Myzan Desilva (myzan): eyes are nice but actually be able to do something [10:55] Durg (durgama.greatrex): i want the traits more then the racing [10:55] Progenitor: We want in the future for mossms to be more about stuff you do with your mossms, and stuff you do with other players with your mossms. That is: fun [10:55] TULA (tulatara): traits for me, but also sports as long as I do not have to compete, but can watch them from the sideline hehe [10:55] Jiminy Kling: oh and Durg asked about sizes? [10:55] soul9: traits for me too [10:55] Progenitor: Tula: understood. We'll keep it low pressure [10:55] Asymmetrical: Sizes is on our list, yes [10:55] Asymmetrical: sizes will likely be a splurt option [10:56] Jiminy Kling: yes pet?? [10:56] Jiminy Kling: SPLURT too? or something else? [10:56] Jiminy Kling: maybe we can simply pay for pets you know [10:56] TULA (tulatara): yeah, I would love to turn some of mine into pets [10:57] Asymmetrical: unsure on how pets will work yet. We do that after sports, Jiminy [10:57] Myzan Desilva (myzan): so many breedables are about collecting or having luck in getting good vanity traits none really have things you are able to do with them [10:57] Durg (durgama.greatrex): is it necessary to save resources now for the new traits and so? [10:57] Asymmetrical: Myzan, we really wanted this to be about fun and have breeding be secondary [10:57] Asymmetrical: Durg, yes, save some resources and some splurt ;) [10:57] Progenitor: You guys were asking about sizing on mossms. I have a fat mossm in front of me, we've been experimenting with it. Check out Astrix. [10:58] Asymmetrical: That is the most likely approach, Jiminy. Right now we havent designed it. Its just on our list [10:59] Progenitor: haha right now she's set up so that whenever you click her, the body size changes, so she's not staying fat ;) [[10:59] Progenitor: If you haven't yet-- be sure to zoom in close on the eyes so you can see them move [11:00] Asymmetrical: So, as we close up -- some things you'll be seeing from us... [11:00] Asymmetrical: We have a one year anniversary in April and we'll be hosting an event. We'll have news about that soon. [11:01] Asymmetrical: We'll be targeting google ads very soon on SL.COM promoting the new traits [11:01] Asymmetrical: We'll have a special one year mossm for our birthday as well [11:02] Asymmetrical: and our time is up, we appreciate you all coming out. Lots of great questions and comments. [11:02] soul9: we saw only eyes ....what about other trait babies u have them now with u [11:02] Asymmetrical: we didn't bring the tails and ears with us, we are still texturing those [11:02] Progenitor: soul9, we don't The textures weren't ready until too late to prepare it for this [11:02] Progenitor: we'll show those off soon
March 20, 2014
10 years, 10 months ago
Below is the transcript from our recent Q&A. Please note, this is an edited version and most of the chat has been removed and only questions and answers remain.
[10:01] Asymmetrical: So it's 10am and we're moving this to text for the hearing impaired so I'm going to get going!
[10:01] Asymmetrical: We're so thrilled to have you all here, thank you for coming to hear us talk.
[10:02] Asymmetrical: For those of you that do not know, we are a family business... Progenitor and Coolbrain are brother's and Prog and I are married and we all live in CA
[10:02] Asymmetrical: and thats the boring stuff
[10:02] Asymmetrical: So... some things I want to cover before we open the floor for questions
[10:03] Asymmetrical: we recently fixed the mossm animations so they are smoother and break apart less.
[10:03] Asymmetrical: If you want to update your mossms you can do so
[10:03] Asymmetrical: but you do not have to
[10:03] WHISPER DEAF FAIRY OF SL (jihan.wonder): raises hand
[10:04] Progenitor: You should try the new 1.12 mossms if you're not already. They're way better. You can get them by doing a recovery if you have a small number of mossms.
[10:04] Progenitor: Go ahead, Jihan
[10:04] Progenitor: If you have lots of mossms and want to update them, we'll have the 1.12 updater ready very soon
[10:04] WHISPER DEAF FAIRY OF SL (jihan.wonder): i fink my mossems died do i has to start ober
[10:04] WHISPER DEAF FAIRY OF SL (jihan.wonder): beena long time
[10:05] Progenitor: If you have mossms that died, you can recover them by going to the recovery screen and it'll give you an option for bringing them back
[10:05] Progenitor: if you have any trouble with that for any reason, file a ticket and we'll help you straighten it out, no problem
[10:05] Jiminy Kling: do that means mossms V1.12 would make less lag, if lag it is?
[10:05] Asymmetrical: St Patrick's day promo ends next saturday so if you haven't gotten your gift be sure to beat someone at the drinking games
[10:06] Progenitor: The change to 1.12 mossms improves how they animate and makes them break apart less, but it won't reduce simulator load lower than they were before, I wouldn't expect.
[10:06] Aℵgєℓ Draven (innocentangel07): how do you update them?
[10:06] Aℵgєℓ Draven (innocentangel07): ---> IM completely new at this breed so don't understand
[10:06] Aℵgєℓ Draven (innocentangel07): how do you do a recovery
[10:07] Progenitor: Angel-- there are two different ways you can update them. You can either use the recovery system now, or within a day or so we'll release a 1.12 updater.
[10:07] ćőŕptéddý áŕáwń (corpteddy): you can tp whit the mossms stuck on your avatar?
[10:07] Asymmetrical: Any more questions about 1.12 mossms before we move on to Eyes Ears and Tails? ;)
[10:08] Progenitor: Yes, you can tp with mossms stuck on you
[10:08] Progenitor: The communicator is the way to get them to do it. It's fun...
[10:08] Asymmetrical: OK, Eyes ears and tails....
[10:08] Asymmetrical: Behind me you can see Yevette who has some pretty new blinking eyes
[10:09] Progenitor: Zoom in really close to the eyes if you haven't yet... they move in a way you might not expect. This particular kind does anyway
[10:09] Asymmetrical: she is quite the charmer
[10:09] Progenitor: Only the girls have eye shadow. Boys don't.
[10:09] Asymmetrical: we'll have several new eyes like this
[10:10] WHISPER DEAF FAIRY OF SL (jihan.wonder): raises hand
[10:10] Asymmetrical: In addition we will be introducing several new ears and new tails
[10:10] Progenitor: Yes Jihan?
[10:10] Asymmetrical: Right now, we are expecting to release these in the first week of april
[10:10] WHISPER DEAF FAIRY OF SL (jihan.wonder): will they has clothes and hair
[10:10] Myzan Desilva (myzan): and how will we be able to get those ears tales and eyes?
[10:10] Jiminy Kling: the eyes Asym? or all new traits?
[10:10] Asymmetrical: all new traits
[10:11] Progenitor: We have experimented with both clothes and hair. I have a mossm upstairs with a Slayer T-shirt
[10:11] Progenitor: but we're not releasing that right now; right now we're focused on eyes ears tails and sports
[10:11] Asymmetrical: We're super excited about it, it was quite a challenge to overcome with Mesh
[10:12] Progenitor: Asym and I just saw Tool a couple of nights ago in san francisco. She almost got in a fist fight
[10:12] Myzan Desilva (myzan): and how will we be able to get those ears tales and eyes?
[10:12] Asymmetrical: That's a good question!
[10:12] Progenitor: There will be several ways you'll get different types.
[10:13] Asymmetrical: We expect to use planets like we do with blends, but also have some more exotic ones available with splurt and as achievement awards
[10:13] Asymmetrical: so you'll need to use all of the existing game mechanics to get the eyes ears and tails
[10:14] Majickk MonDaI ђυηţяєşş (magi3): will all the eyes blink now or will i have to work up to blinking? sorry if you answered already and i missed it i'm still working my f/l
[10:14] Jiminy Kling: do that mean a planet 6?
[10:14] Asymmetrical: yes there will be a new planet, possibly 2 new planets
[10:14] Progenitor: All the eyes will blink. Not all the eyes will have animation inside as this one does
[10:15] ţяιχιє ριχιє (arachne.anatra): Do we have to manually update them?
[10:16] Asymmetrical: You can update them by doing recoveries if you want them right now, or you can wait a day or two and we'll have an updater ready for you
[10:16] Asymmetrical: Thats the most recent update and it is not mandatory, its just a visual fix
[10:16] ţяιχιє ριχιє (arachne.anatra): Are the Mossoms inventory safe? Or do they starve there please? Sorry I am quite new?
[10:16] Progenitor: you can update them 20 at a time now, using recovery here Or we'll be providing an updater soon taht does them all at once.
[10:17] Asymmetrical: Mossms will starve in inventory, if you need to preserve food you should put them into a cryo container to stop them from, eating/tgrowing
[10:17] Progenitor: clarification regarding starving and eating in inventory
[10:18] Progenitor: Mossms exist just fine in inventory, they are safe to keep there
[10:18] Progenitor: they continue to eat from inventory
[10:18] Asymmetrical: any other questions about eyes ears and tails?
[10:18] Myzan Desilva (myzan): oh yes you do not have more to show?
[10:19] Progenitor: We were not quite ready to show the eyes ears and tails. We'll be ready to show them soon
[10:19] Progenitor: oops, I mean the tails and ears
[10:19] Asymmetrical: Desy, yes. You will be able to pass the eyes, ears and tails
[10:20] Jiminy Kling: damn i didnt see the answer im sorry, does that mean you will release a planet 6? with higher ressources needs than faunarosa?
[10:20] Durg (durgama.greatrex): where are we gonnaget the new traits?
[10:20] Durg (durgama.greatrex): from breeding them on planets?
[10:20] Durg (durgama.greatrex): or from splurt
[10:20] Asymmetrical: A little bit of all of that, Durgama
[10:21] Durg (durgama.greatrex): well i hope we will see it and read it when they come out
[10:21] Asymmetrical: we're also going to have some from achievements
[10:21] TULA (tulatara): will there be any other way of getting splurt than through sending them to space, i don't like sending them away hehe
[10:21] Asymmetrical: haha Tula They like to go to space
[10:22] Asymmetrical: after a while you'll have lots of the same thing and it wont be quite so bothersome to send a few away
[10:23] Jiminy Kling: what is about sports and mossms teaching them?
[10:23] SweetLatavia: Is there an age limit to send away to space?ll
[10:24] Asymmetrical: Prog can answer that question, Jiminy
[10:24] TULA (tulatara): speaking of keeping them around hehe, will the oprion to turn them eternal come after the launch of ears and tails and eyes?
[10:24] TULA (tulatara): option*
[10:24] Asymmetrical: Sweet, no age limit. You can send them whenever you want.
[10:24] Asymmetrical: Tula, making them pets, making them stand still, turning off particles will come after sports.
[10:24] Jiminy Kling: new planets you said, with need of new ressources?
[10:25] Asymmetrical: Durgama, yes there will be a new planet or two
[10:25] Asymmetrical: but no new resources
[10:25] Jiminy Kling: oOo
[10:25] Progenitor: Jiminy asked: what's this about sports and mossms teaching each other. In Mossm sports, there will be a number of different ways that a mossm increases in skill in their sport, just like in the real world: exercise, practice, and getting advice from other more experience mossms (coaching), and possibly classroom training.
[10:26] Asymmetrical: We decided the website would get entirely too cluttered with more resource types so we'll make use of the ones we have
[10:26] Durg (durgama.greatrex): and breeding mossms on that planet?
[10:26] Jiminy Kling: will particles be usefull to get new traits also? would be a great idea :D
[10:27] Asymmetrical: That's right, you'll breed for eyes/ears/tails on the new planets
[10:27] Desy (robdester.redangel): I have the drinking game, and my mossms play on it, what resources do they gain is any by using it
[10:27] Durg (durgama.greatrex): not coats and blends?
[10:27] Asymmetrical: stopping for a moment so Myzan can read what Prog wrote
[10:28] Asymmetrical: Did you get caught up Myzan?
[10:28] Myzan Desilva (myzan): Yes thank you
[10:28] Durg (durgama.greatrex): are there any training devices?
[10:28] Asymmetrical: We will continue to make new blends as well, Durgama. We have a new one in the works right now
[10:29] Asymmetrical: Desy, they earn slack in the drinking game
[10:29] Myzan Desilva (myzan): May I ask when sports is comming and he is supposed to work?
[10:29] Asymmetrical: Durgama, yes. There will be environments for mossms to teach one another in
[10:30] Asymmetrical: we'll provide instructions on how the training works when it gets closer but on a high level... you put two mossms in an environment and the skilled one will pass on its knowledge
[10:30] Progenitor: When sports is coming: we've already been working on it some, and will be focusing all of our effort on it as soon as eyes ears and tails are done. We expect it this summer
[10:31] Jiminy Kling: so eyes and traits starting april, then sports thise summer?
[10:31] Asymmetrical: Dirk, the new mossms with eyes ears and tails will be release around the first week of april, possibly sooner
[10:32] Progenitor: Eyes ears and tails are our active project now, and is nearly done. Sports is next after that.
[10:32] Progenitor: We have some new stuff coming with sports, too...
[10:33] Progenitor: mossms will be doing all kinds of tricks and things with people that they don't do now
[10:33] soul9: do we have to play the drinking me with them? or they play it by themselves ga
[10:34] Asymmetrical: soul, they can play it by themselves to earn slack
[10:34] Progenitor: One of the things about sports that you might want to be thinking about is Leagues. In real world sports, there are leagues like the NFL or the Championship Soccer League... organizations that run tournaments and give our titles, prizes, and trophies. We're going to provide tools for players to run their own leagues.
[10:35] Myzan Desilva (myzan): will we be able to compete with lindens?
[10:35] Asymmetrical: Amberly, you cannot currently interact with other's mossms. Just your own.
[10:35] AMBERLY WHITEBERRY (baby.loudwater): KK they keep askin her to pik em up :)
[10:35] Progenitor: Myzan, I didn't understand. Can you restate your question?
[10:36] Myzan Desilva (myzan): Yes when you race with horses for example you pay an entry fee and the one who wins win lindens
[10:36] Progenitor: Ah
[10:36] Myzan Desilva (myzan): will we be able to do the same with the leagues
[10:36] Progenitor: We expect for there to be tournaments with cash prizes, yes. And usually those will have entry fees. But that'll be up to the people running the leagues
[10:37] Asymmetrical: Shari: Splurt is supposed to be hard to get. The goal is to have things to work on all the time.
[10:37] Myzan Desilva (myzan): I have to say I have never seen a breedable who has as high quality on everything they do as thsi company
[10:38] Progenitor: Thanks so much! That's our goal, is to go way above an beyond on everything we do
[10:38] Myzan Desilva (myzan): from homepage to the thinking behind
[10:38] Asymmetrical: Thank you, Myzan!
[10:38] Jiminy Kling: so true Myzan, well said :)
[10:38] AMBERLY WHITEBERRY (baby.loudwater): Myzan i think so too n i been thru some of the best
[10:39] Myzan Desilva (myzan): yes I have tried most but these I can really recommend for the quality and for doing what said
[10:39] Myzan Desilva (myzan): so you shall be very proud over your company
[10:39] Jiminy Kling: im not interested in competiting for lindens, but it wont be mandatory? If my goal is to make my mossms more skilled only, i will be able to do that?
[10:39] Asymmetrical: Thank you so much, Myzan. We try very hard and that means alot to us!
[10:40] Progenitor: There will be several different things involved in how skilled a mossm is in their chosen sport. One of those things that makes them better is competing-- an old veteran has an advantage over someone competing for their first time
[10:41] Asymmetrical: You will not be required to compete
[10:41] Asymmetrical: If you just want to make mossms with stats for the secondary market you can do that
[10:42] Jiminy Kling: well i like to do mossms with great stats for myself first LOL, but i mean we could compete for fun with friends, no?
[10:42] Progenitor: First we're going to release crocodile wrestling, because we've promised that from the beginning
[10:42] Asymmetrical: Yes, exactly Jiminy
[10:42] Progenitor: I'd like to do some form of ridable mossm racing right after that or possibly at the same time
[10:43] ćőŕptéddý áŕáwń (corpteddy): you gona make mossms wrestle whit crocodiles? :( hehe
[10:43] Progenitor: Tournaments will be created by players, so they don't all have to be for L$
[10:43] Asymmetrical: No you will not have to participate in big tournaments. Tournaments will be for fun not for progression.
[10:43] Progenitor: I'd personally love to participate ina girl-mossm-only tournament requiring pink to be in the coat, with starter mossms within 3 generations of the parents, for example
[10:44] Asymmetrical: So you could build a super mossm and go play in Magi's league if you wanted and she would supply the prizes etc..
[10:44] Progenitor: Tula - I'd like for some of the sports to be casual things where performance is all up to the mossms
[10:44] Asymmetrical: Or we might hold a tournament but you'll never be required to compete
[10:45] Progenitor: and the experience for the players is more like the relaxed social thing you get between parents and other parents at their kid's swim meet
[10:45] Progenitor: And the mossms get distracted and stop for hte pizza and cotton candy on the side of the track if they don't have enough discipline
[10:45] Asymmetrical: all, we have 15 minutes left. I've taken all of your names down and will give you all 2 splurt for attending today. If anyone has come and gone that you know of will you PM me their name?
[10:46] soul9: how to use spurts?
[10:47] Asymmetrical: soul, prog will answer that for you
[10:47] Progenitor: How to use Splurt: you can buy things here with splurt:
[10:47] soul9: ◕‿◕
[10:47] soul9: ty
[10:48] Asymmetrical: Desy, Splurt was intended to be a long term project. So there's always something to work on
[10:48] Asymmetrical: I imagine a year from now you'll still be working on Splurt ;)
[10:49] Progenitor: Splurt we intended to be a big project you work on over time, possibly coordinating with your friends to try to get and share multiple different traits
[10:50] Jiminy Kling: we will need new environnement like classroom if i understand well? How many land impacts that would represent, any idea? And do new traits means more LI also?
[10:50] Asymmetrical: you can also just attend random events or answer my silly questions in group chat to get splurt ;)
[10:50] Asymmetrical: Jiminy, we have not made the environments yet but we will keep them as low as we can.
[10:50] Asymmetrical: The new mossms with traits are 9 LI
[10:51] Progenitor: Yes, if you have aspirations to run your own league, be thinking about it! You'll be able to host your own championships, customize your triophies, design your own logo, create your own mossm titles...
[10:51] Asymmetrical: Coolbrain came up with a really creative way to get the meshes to work and keep them low even with new eyes, ears and tails!
[10:52] Asymmetrical: playground is on our list, assie but we wanted to get the features out ufirst
[10:52] Çяυχ ђυηţяєşş (crux.huntress): i want to hear more from Prog and Asy...listens
[10:52] Progenitor whispers: Durgama: yes, mesh is a lot easier to work with than sculpties in terms of flexibility in some ways, but it's way harder than sculpties in terms of breeding. So we had to create some innovative technical solutions
[10:52] Asymmetrical snickers
[10:52] Progenitor: Durgama: yes, mesh is a lot easier to work with than sculpties in terms of flexibility in some ways, but it's way harder than sculpties in terms of breeding. So we had to create some innovative technical solutions
[10:53] Asymmetrical: the best way to think of Splurt and sending them to space, Amberly is to think of over crowding and over population. It gets too crowded and then its time for them to move some where less crowded!
[10:53] Progenitor: We do intend to put out a bunch more environments, yes
[10:54] Asymmetrical: 6 minutes! Anymore questions?
[10:54] Progenitor: I have a question for you guys. You seem more excited about sports than eyes ears and tails. Or is it kinda both?
[10:54] Myzan Desilva (myzan): Its sports for me
[10:54] avalon Raymaker: kindof both
[10:54] Jiminy Kling: no no no, im excited on both!
[10:54] avalon Raymaker: we could just get silly on the sports
[10:54] Myzan Desilva (myzan): eyes are nice but actually be able to do something
[10:55] Durg (durgama.greatrex): i want the traits more then the racing
[10:55] Progenitor: We want in the future for mossms to be more about stuff you do with your mossms, and stuff you do with other players with your mossms. That is: fun
[10:55] TULA (tulatara): traits for me, but also sports as long as I do not have to compete, but can watch them from the sideline hehe
[10:55] Jiminy Kling: oh and Durg asked about sizes?
[10:55] soul9: traits for me too
[10:55] Progenitor: Tula: understood. We'll keep it low pressure
[10:55] Asymmetrical: Sizes is on our list, yes
[10:55] Asymmetrical: sizes will likely be a splurt option
[10:56] Jiminy Kling: yes pet??
[10:56] Jiminy Kling: SPLURT too? or something else?
[10:56] Jiminy Kling: maybe we can simply pay for pets you know
[10:56] TULA (tulatara): yeah, I would love to turn some of mine into pets
[10:57] Asymmetrical: unsure on how pets will work yet. We do that after sports, Jiminy
[10:57] Myzan Desilva (myzan): so many breedables are about collecting or having luck in getting good vanity traits none really have things you are able to do with them
[10:57] Durg (durgama.greatrex): is it necessary to save resources now for the new traits and so?
[10:57] Asymmetrical: Myzan, we really wanted this to be about fun and have breeding be secondary
[10:57] Asymmetrical: Durg, yes, save some resources and some splurt ;)
[10:57] Progenitor: You guys were asking about sizing on mossms. I have a fat mossm in front of me, we've been experimenting with it. Check out Astrix.
[10:58] Asymmetrical: That is the most likely approach, Jiminy. Right now we havent designed it. Its just on our list
[10:59] Progenitor: haha right now she's set up so that whenever you click her, the body size changes, so she's not staying fat ;)
[[10:59] Progenitor: If you haven't yet-- be sure to zoom in close on the eyes so you can see them move
[11:00] Asymmetrical: So, as we close up -- some things you'll be seeing from us...
[11:00] Asymmetrical: We have a one year anniversary in April and we'll be hosting an event. We'll have news about that soon.
[11:01] Asymmetrical: We'll be targeting google ads very soon on SL.COM promoting the new traits
[11:01] Asymmetrical: We'll have a special one year mossm for our birthday as well
[11:02] Asymmetrical: and our time is up, we appreciate you all coming out. Lots of great questions and comments.
[11:02] soul9: we saw only eyes ....what about other trait babies u have them now with u
[11:02] Asymmetrical: we didn't bring the tails and ears with us, we are still texturing those
[11:02] Progenitor: soul9, we don't The textures weren't ready until too late to prepare it for this
[11:02] Progenitor: we'll show those off soon