for a life of the longest-running mossms

Mirko Aljon
June 4, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

too many races, too many features ...
people does not know and does not recognize the value of mossms
For this reason the market is at a standstill and people get tired
I expose my opinion, few breeds of value to feed the desire of people to create them

June 4, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

: sono delusa,il gioco non ha mercato per la troppa facilità di avere razze nuove, poche razze ma buone

June 4, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

tutti quanti possono creare le razze, quindi nessuno compra

Andreaus Beck
June 4, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago
Edited 11 years, 8 months ago by Andreaus Beck

I can't really comment on the market although i have been to a few auctions because that is where i prefer to buy new mossms, But i have to disagree with the too many races and features part as i think this is great, If i had to choose only 1 reason from the many why i love mossms so much this would be because there is so much variation in coats, I am totally bored with breedables where people jump from one new coat to the next and flood the market with loads that are all the same, Mossms are the breedable that i have been waiting for for a LONG time in sl, It is so refreshing to breed something that is so unique and where i dont walk around markets seeing hundreds of exactly the same coat, long may it continue that we dont see that happen to mossms ,Also i believe people have now realized that selling off all their good mossms is a bad idea for their breeding plans, i for one wont loose my desire to breed and stand looking at mossms, The mossm team do an amazing job and all credit to them for creating such an outstanding breedable

June 4, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

i love the many many many different mossms and as a collector witha pokemon mindset ultimately i'd like to have 1 in every color/pattern combo ever, i'm starting out well with monochromatic cheetah patterned mossms :)

i also like the you decide randomness of the planets you choose to breed on, and even the common starter coats if they have an awesome background is worth something to the breeders

if i get one with all cheetah patterned parents/grands, chances are even if it don't have it, it'll pass it

i took a gamble and bought a mossm that had a blend i didn't have and it came through from it's great granddad :)

as for the market at a stand still, come to an auction, any auction ^^ you'll see more and also learn more :)

Mrs Hunter Beorn
June 4, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

There is no way to compare Mossm to any other breedable right now. If this is a money making thing, it seems too early to judge value. There is the coat, the planet, the stats, the lineage. I value stats over coat because I suspect that they will be more important soon. Then the process of getting a coat I like to pop the higher stats. All of this takes time and patience and resources.

I have seen clever selling models out there with this breedable from selling resource spots, to selling oomphless workers. Some sellers focus on planets, some stats, some recessive line and ALL have a distinct value to someone and how they are choosing to play.

If you go to general breedables sims you will see the overabundance of dens, nests and birthrocks. They have zero value or the trade-in for gold or points etc is not worth the linden. A cryo pod is a a worker (240 resources), a trade-in if you need a small resource boost. If this game makes the web-based option for taking care of them then the market will succeed even more because you wont need to worry about prim.

June 4, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

For me the biggest advantage mossms have over all other breedables are that mossms are FUN.

Mirko Aljon
June 4, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

would be useful to have the site outputs breeds and traits in order to understand

Aloriana Shadowstar
June 4, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

I been and go to quite a few auctions, and in my opinion the market is anything but at a standstill. Mossms in all sizes shapes colours and huses are in huge demand. Also the community is incredible helpful you see the bigger (more experienced) breeders assist the smaller ones, giving advice on both breeding and pricing.

The fact that there are so many vatiations of a mossm, so many different ways to breed them. I wholeheartedly agree with what Hunter Beorn said....I expect our loved Mossms to "live long and prosper" (star trek pun did seem apropriate for a Mossm!)

June 5, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

Personally I think the auction scene is run wrong. There are too many and too many spots available. People are putting up stuff that though "might" have value, don't. a 2nd generation from 2 starter parents, regardless of planet. Shouldn't be up for auction.

Also, 20 places plus 6 "special" spots 5 times a day. Why should i buy when i can just wait around til someone is desperate enough to sell... There needs to be more incentive to go to auctions.

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