Questions from community.

Feb. 28, 2013
11 years, 12 months ago
Edited 11 years, 12 months ago by Rob


We talked with some other beta testers and we do have some questions.
Now i will ask them all here then we dont need to spam the groupschat :-)
Ofcourse we understand that not all questions can be answered.

Q: How much traits will have the mossms with release?

Q: will their come updates so inworld selling is possible?
(its a bit hard now with them moving around like that) (for example animations off or put them in selling mode)

Q: Hoovertext. For now that is only the name. Will also later be possible to show the traits in the hoovertext?

Q: How much the food will cost?

Q: Now the mossms are 22 prims. we already heard about their is a chance this will be reduced to 11 prims.
How far is the progress on this? And can we already get a garentee that they will be reduced?

Q: will their come more species in the future?

This are our most important questions we have so far. We completly would understand that on some questions
their will not be a answer yet.

We are a bunch of 7-8 breeders that started with the beta fase of the mossms. And we have already all the same opinion.
Very nice work! if you guys can keep it up like this, the mossms can really become a very popular breedable in sl.

Feb. 28, 2013
11 years, 12 months ago
Edited 11 years, 10 months ago by Progenitor

Q: How much traits will have the mossms with release?
The DNA system may change from what I'm about to describe here, because we're evaluating it now during beta. We also may change how it works as part of our research on lowering land impact. But here's how it works today.

Today, each Mossm has 11 characteristics (6 stats and 5 traits), that pass from parents to baby. The stats are things such as strength and intelligence. A baby gets each of its stats from either its mother or father, with a small change either up or down for each stat.

Here is what is involved in determining the appearance of a Mossm. We expect that in future expansion we will add more kinds of traits, and also add more possibilities to the traits that we already have. But here is how it works right now.

Trait Slots
These are 5 different places on a mossm where traits can be plugged in to change appearance the coat.

  • Color 1
  • Skin/fur type 1
  • Color 2
  • Skin/fur type 2
  • Blend method

These are the things that can fill those trait slots:
  • Color. (5 colors) The starter kit has 2 colors in it, and each planet after planet 1 introduces a new color.
  • Skin/fur type. (3 types) There different kinds of fur thickness and/or skin spots which change the appearance.
  • Blend method. (5 blends) This can be tiger stripes, rings, or a few other things you will discover. Different blend methods have different chances of occuring. It's also possible to blend the same color twice, which does some sublte and interesting variations.

Here are examples of breeds that have been sited so far during beta, as discussed on this thread I'm going to describe the DNA slots, and show a picture for each.

Razorback Daquiri Blue Lightning is darkblue-longfur-lightblue-longfur-gradient.

Gyrating Glacier Liquid is lightblue-skin-darkblue-longfur-gradient.

Climbing Cottonball Blue Steel is white-longfur-lightblue-longfur-tiger.

This leads to over 1000 breeds (5 x 3 x 5 x 3 x 5) each with a distinct coat. Some of those characteristics are more common than others, though, and so some of the combinations are much harder to get than others.

We also have a number of unique Mossms that exist outside of that system. There is a unique Mossm we'll give to each player that participated in beta that joins us after launch, and each of the 4 planets has two uniques that can occur there.

Q: will their come updates so inworld selling is possible?
Yes, we will make it possible to put them into a little container for in-world selling. Because we have so many distinctive appearances, this little container shows you what you're getting. We haven't finalized this yet, but here's a preview. The little window at the lower right with the moon in it changes to show what the Mossm inside looks like.


Q: Hovertext. For now that is only the name. Will also later be possible to show the traits in the hovertext?
When they are for sale we may change what is included in the text. We're also considering the possibility of having every Mossm that is put up for sale automatically listed in a searchable list on our website, and automatically removed when it is no longer there.

The idea of putting more into the floaty text of mossms while they're running around, playing, and working, is not something we've considered yet. If possible, I'd like to avoid too much floaty text if we can, because it looks terrible. But I understand there are reasons why people do it. I'm hoping we can find better ways to address those needs rather than the offensive clutter of a lot of floaty text, but we'll do what we must. Let's discsuss it.

Q: How much the food will cost?
We haven't finalized things yet. Our current plan is for the base price of food to be about L$6 per day per Mossm, with discounts for larger purchases. We feel like different kinds of food is annoying and complex, and we're keeping it simple.

Q: Now the mossms are 22 prims. we already heard about their is a chance this will be reduced to 11 prims.

How far is the progress on this? And can we already get a garentee that they will be reduced?

Reducing prim count is one of our top priorities. We're working on it right now. It's also difficult and complex. I can guarantee that we're super serious about it. I'm not sure yet when it'll be ready. But we do realize how important it is for us, and for you, and we're working very hard on it.

Q: will their come more species in the future?
Yes, definitely. Our system has a lot of room to expand and do new things. After launch, we plan to expand Mossms in lots of different ways. We will add new ways mossms can look, new things they can do, and fun things you can do with them and each other.

Feb. 28, 2013
11 years, 12 months ago

Thank you very much for this answer!

You convinced me :-)

This will become a great breedable on sl. I am 100% sure of it. I am somebody you can call.. a BIG breeder. I did a lot of different breedables. also stopped with a lot of them. but for the mossms i am really looking forward to the release. SL is in need for a great new breedable! And i think we found it!

Thank you again


Feb. 28, 2013
11 years, 11 months ago

Rob, thanks so much for this post. Words can't express how much we appreciate your enthusiasm and support. Thank you!

March 14, 2013
11 years, 11 months ago

Update: land impact of the new Mossms is going to be 8, not 11.

Andreaus Beck
March 15, 2013
11 years, 11 months ago

mine isnt so much as a question but an idea, i watched a great documentary on tv about metamorphosis how the caterpillar changes to a butterfly and thought how awesome it would be to have a breedable that can on occasion metamorphose into a different creature, not all of them but say 1 in every 10,000 sort of a super mega rare hybrid

April 5, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

A quick note about the breeding system and planets. During beta, we have opened up only 2 planets. At launch, we will have a total of 4 planets. The DNA characteristics opened by planets 3 and 4 radically explode the possibilities.

Possible breeds from planets 1-2: 101
Possible breeds from planets 1-4: 1078

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