something for the small breeders?
Don't you worry!! We'll be getting to the stats and we want to! Thats just a much larger undertaking than new planets/colors/blends/environments and it would be foolish to leave the game stagnant for the duration it takes to develop it. So, We'll continue working on the stats but you'll likely see continued expansions to the existing game-play. We'll work on both things parallel.
I know I am late to the discussion but I too feel that planet 5 came way to soon. With all the types of mossms out there, we would have amused ourselves a while longer trying to discover them all. Can anyone say that we have seen all the possible mossms out there from the first 4 planets? I sure haven't. I don't think it makes a difference whether you are a large or a small breeder, but I can see how new players discovering mossms might be overwhelmed at this point and not bother trying to catch up. It is very hard to pick up a breedable if you don't jump on board from the get go and I would hate to see people not even try because they feel the will not catch up to the more established breeders.
Also, I really wish the Mossms team had not told us about the new planet. Don't shoot me for saying this, but it should have been a surprise. Those of us that attend auctions can tell you the week or so we waited for Planet 5 was hard to bear. Seeing your mossms that you carefully bred and raised get virtually worthless overnight is tough to see. Then everyone was saving up for planet 5 environments and not many people made babies. I know that the mossms team has tried to take measures to ensure that the secondary sales market stays strong, but you guys dropped the ball on this one. Moving forward, keep the new planets a surprise or tell us like the day before they come out. This way things are more stable and people don't hoard up in advance to be the first to get a new planet baby or the new environments. Whew...that is all. Thanks :)
I agree with Lelou , i was going to write a post on the auctions and market prices but all you have to do is walk round and you can see the effect this has had, i'm seeing people selling for 100l$ im not going to say this is wrong as they prob have costs to cover, i would rather send mossms into space and recover resources than sell that low, we need to be really careful not to damage the market once a price cutting trend starts it is hard to stop, i'm now down to 23 mossms from just over 50 to keep my costs down and will prob stay around that number now until something comes out where the stats come into play, but please look after your market :) i dont mean to be in any way controversial in anything i say i just speak my mind now and then :) it is also i believe the responsibility of mossm sponsers to help keep the market stable maybe implementing minimum pricing policies on their markets would help, just my opinion :) , most auctions have a minimum starting price in place why cant markets do the same
minimum pricing , doesn't work , its been tried. if you went to a market and minimum price was set at say 500l , alot of people simply wouldn't shop there, People will always sell at the price they feel is right for them. Auctions can set minimum prices, cause people only take ones they think are special to the auctions. If you went to an auction and there was a plain blue starter would you pay 500l ? The market needs variety, if you brought a bottle of shampoo, you can choose to go to the 99p shop to buy it , the supermarket to pay £2 or the hairdressers to pay £5 for the same product. People will only pay what they deem is the right price. If its a breedable that is perfect for my plans I will happily pay more for it, if its not then the price doesn't matter cause i wont buy it anyhow. there will always be those in breedables that need to sell to feed them and they will always undercut to make sure you buy theres. no ones gonna turn down a bargain.
Prog said: But everything we add at both ends benefits and impacts all the players. You mentioned for example that the Faunarosa things are too expensive to access. Well, if you can get your hands on a violet and/or pink Mossm, you can mate it and reproduce it and make all kinds of things with it very inexpensively on planets 1 and 2. You can do that today if you go to an auction and buy one. (I've seen some of the mossms being auctioned today, and they're so cool!) If the price is too expensive for you, then keep an eye on the market. Eventually, you'll be able to afford pink and purple mossms as the supply goes up.
I saw them on the market for 18K Prog dont know for what they go at auctions but 18K is when you put the math on that a bit more then 50,00 euro and that is pretty much for a pretty prim in SL. Most of us cant affort that ammount of money to buy just one mossm and we will have to wait till we reach the ammount of points or when the prices lower and that can take some weeks for this planet. By the time we can get our hands on them they are "worthless" as in money and now just a pretty prim to have in our collection. This is not a ranting or a complain its just how it is and how it will be for manny of us.
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June 29, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago
i didnt mean to cause an arguement i just felt that the planet was released far too early, i would rather have seen something released that incorporates the stats as were all breeding mossms but there is no use for the stats which would in my opinion have been a better move for the mossms than the new planet, but thats just my opinion
moving too fast with new planets is like another breedable that kept bringing out new coats every month,