Faunarosa points to high?

rena Milena
June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

Hi, everyone

It makes me curious to know if i'm the only one thinking that the cost of the envoirments and the price of breeding on Faunarosa is a bit to high. I'm not a huge breeder and had packed my starters to keep my ammount of mossms and cost low but with the new planet and envoirments i defrosted a bunch and not breeded for days to get points to get the envoirments and now saving to breed on Faunarosa but in the long term it wont be easy for me to do so as i will have to reduce my ammount of mossms again in a few days. The ammount of points kinda disapointed me as again it rules out small breeders from playing the game by the time they are ready to visit that planet to have a chance on one of those mossms there are already lots of them out in the seccond hand market for high prices till there are to manny and the prices will drop. It kinda takes away the fun of getting there yourself. But thats how i feel and i was wondering if there where more out that feel the same.

Andreaus Beck
June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

yep i agree with you Rena im dissapointed too, i would rather have something in the middle aimed at both small and huge breeders im reducing my mossms as i feel the game no longer suits me as a small breeder, i posted just before you voicing my concerns too lol

rena Milena
June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

I had the same feeling Adreaus and still thinking of quiting or reducing the mossms i do love them and they bring me joy but the way this is going made me wonder about the next planet and envoirments with the ammounts of points for these the next will be even higher....and more mossms needed...because the slack, blossms, teq and zip rise to in points. The price to keep up with it is getting to high.

Andreaus Beck
June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

im sending mossms into space that a few weeks ago i wouldnt have even contemplated sending black ones green ones white ones but i feel there going the same way as all other breedables the more money you have the more control you have, its depressing but thats life i guess , im keeping my 10 favourites and the rest are going exploring

Aloriana Shadowstar
June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

I dunno, sure I can see and sharefrustration about not being able t go go planet 5 straight away and have to safe resources. But it is also about making choices and planning. I know people with 30 mossms that wee frugal and saved up resources to buy 3 tanningbeds right away, and still have 40k resources.

You so not have to breed on planet 5, I myself for example have never even breed on planet 4. Sure P5 will be high priced right now, but give it two weeks and the market has normalized and you can pick them up for a normal price. So to me...no the points are not too high,

Jocelyn Jolles
June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

I guess it doesn’t matter if it is a real life or Secondlife, the complaint is always the same. It isn’t fair. Well, I am going to get on my high horse and probably upset quite a few people but I am in the right mood today to speak my mind. First let me say, life isn’t fair. Second, bigger breeders only appear to have an advantage because they can accrue the lux or teq at a faster rate. However, the reality is, bigger breeders are on the same level of play as you. The food costs the same and the starter kits cost the same. For example, you have ten mossms and another player has 500 mossms. Here is a rough break down of cost. A player with 10 mossms can expect to pay for food in one year, $20,600L plus land costs to house the mossms, $14,560L for a total of $35,160L per year. A player with 500 mossms can expect to pay for food in one year, $1,030,000L plus land costs to house the mossms, $728,000L for a total of $1,758,000L per year.
Guess what, it takes one disco lux to entertain a family of 10 mossms, it takes 50 for 500. There is no price break on how many discos’ you buy. Also, it still takes the same amount of resources to breed for a big or small breeder. The amount of reserve food still needs to cover a week before a breeder can breed. Again, no break or advantage for a larger breeder, they still have to follow the same rules as a small breeder.
Also, breeding on planet 4 or 5 or whatever planet it is, it is about the genetics and LUCK. A bigger breeder does not have an advantage on any planet in breeding. You can influence the outcome of the color but not the blend. The blend comes from luck, the color from knowledge of genetics. The game is fair for small and big breeders, it is always up to the player how much they want to invest into the game, don’t be disappointed because someone else gets to a higher level before you. Enjoy the game at your pace so that it is enjoyable, and if people are only here to make money, then they are in for a long and hard road. The argument that a bigger breeder has an advantage is a crock of crap.

June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

While I love the new LUX enirons and think they are funny and cute,personally I was hoping that more colors and blends would have just been released on planets 1-4 and not a new planet. I think that might have satisfied everyone.

On the other hand we did have plenty of advanced notice that a new planet and evirons were going to be introduced, so that gave everyone equal chance to save. I know I had saved about 20K of everything then got "breeders withdrawl" and decided to breed on the old planets.

Jocelyn Jolles
June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

Laughs @ Morducai - Didn't they give you the pill to help with breeder's withdrawal? It was so hard to save resources. I am in the middle of some breeding projects and it was painful to stop breeding to get the points for lux. It was my choice to move forward, my choice, my game. :)

rena Milena
June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

smiles....íts good to hear the different opinions from everyone and yes part of the game is luck some have more luck then others. Its not about complaining or who is right or wrong its about opinions and the bigger breeders do have more advantage in the game they are the ones reaching the goals faster then others its their choice and its also they that control the game....for example: they bring out faster a "rare" mossms selling it for a lot of money so they can make fast money on them by the time a small breeder reaches that point of getting that "rare" mossm coat/blend/marking what so ever its already lowered so fast in price that they dont even have a chance to sell it for a decent price. Look at the whites, blacks, greens and already some blends/markings that some of the breeders where not even able to breed them and now they can buy them on the seccond hand market already for 500 linden or even lower. Thats what is ment with the fun of breeding them yourself. Small breeders will always be late for the "boat

June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago

We've designed our system so that there are things you can do whether you have two Mossms or 200. Over time we're going to be adding content (new planets, new gameplay, and some other things) at the high end like we did with Faunarosa, and also at the low end where it's cheap and accessible.

We won't always make it more and more difficult/expensive. We're working on other things now at the middle and low ends. Give us a little time to create it and send it to you.

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