Faunarosa points to high?
Jocelyn you are so right, allow them to see your mossms. In fact anyone responding do the same so that people can see the fairness.
*sings* Life isn't fair, remove the hide Mossoms feature and sing it loud and clear
Mossms are the only breedable i know that allow people to see other people's from the web. All of the others I have done thro the years have never had that option. Surely its up to the player, whether they want to show there mossms to anyone whos willing to look? People can get very jealous and very nasty with it at times, and sometimes, People can be very demanding and rude . I myself had another breedable that was rareish an had IMs demanding i sell it to them , it was very intermadating. and that came from showing its details in a group chat . As for the planet being too costly, I have yet to do any serious breeding even on planet 3 and 4 let alone 5! but I already have all 4 colours in my 21 mossms, with time ill get the patterns from 3 and 4. but i'll keep my eye out in the next 10 days or so for a blue from a purple! and try my luck that way.
you might be right there pebbles i just had a walk around a market and you can buy elemental puffs and fluffs for 200l$ , give it a couple of weeks and the mossms from planet 5 will be cheap to buy
then breed them on P1 and P2 :)
While I hate posting this. I think everyone is being rash and too quick to jump to conclusions on the Mossms.
While you all are upset about the points on the Mossm's for the resource item's Progenitor, Coolbrain, and Asym have worked hard on this to make this most unique breedable possible. The fact and plain point is you have to work to earn your enviroments to earn your mossm's which makes them worth what they are worth if (and when) you take them to auction and sell them. The system was designed to work in favor for you all not against you, I don't know what you all have to get upset and to put the term loosely "Grill" the mossm team for something they are working hard for "YOU" to have and enjoy. In closing I am not for the Mossm team and I am not with those that are upset with them but I play a neutral member in this breedable. I see GREAT things coming for this breedable and I think you all just need to give it time.
I enjoy Mossms and I am glad that they (the creators) came out with them, but this is a business. They are not going broke or doing favors here, this is a product and I think that most want to see it grow and succeed for different reasons. The splitting going on here does incite more frustration. Andreaus does not have to post anything, and we collectively do not have to either, we can just quit. The Mossm is still new, opinions posted are for the most part to influence/suggest change to make it better for people with different circumstances.
I am not going to pay for more food to make more Mossms to make Lux faster. That is my choice and I am patient. I am also not going to purchase new planet Mossms from the 'larger breeders' as it would defeat the purpose of saving linden to pay for more important things such as the land that is housing mine. Again, my choice...and so what.
I do not agree that this system is balanced. When there is a clear separation between the secondary marketplace and staff I might be able to think otherwise. Right now, it lacks transparency and that leaves room for interpretation whether the conclusions are accurate or not.
Example: Staff discuss the release of Lux and stop breeding to save resources, it doesn't matter if they knew an hour earlier than others or days before others, it is a matter of principle.
Suggestion: Re-open sponsorship to the community. Have a stipulation that if a person is staff they cannot be a sponsor. It is a conflict of interest.
This does not stop the use of alts etc but does demonstrate boundaries on the surface level. It does matter. I was impressed with how stringent Meeroos were with my brother who worked for their company. He could not sell or trade Meeroos. Does that mean staff didn't use alts? Probably not, I know that he didn't.
I will continue to enjoy Mossms and the game and hope for the best. Take it or leave it, it is just another opinion from another part of the grid.
As most of our players know, I have a full time RL job in addition to creating and supporting Mossms. So it should not be a surprise to learn that I recently worked at a game company where we (the employees) were given free accounts so we would play the games they made. I now work for a software company and we have free access to the software the company makes. In RL, companies do this all the time. They do this because employees that love a product can be and often are the best advocates for the product. We feel very confident that allowing our staff to play Mossms is right in line with RL industry standards and we do not plan to change that policy.
You may; however, feel comforted in knowing that as staff members they have no real advantage over any other player. They cannot access our code. They cannot change our code. There is no god mode. They breed exactly like you do and they cannot create Mossms out of thin air. They have to work at, pay for, and plan ahead when breeding. That said... If Myself, Progenitor or Coolbrain enter the secondary market your concern might become valid. *winks*
Regarding sponsorship being open to everyone. We intentionally limited the number of sponsors based on what is reasonable for us to effectively manage. We struggle to keep up with the ones we have. Adding more would only turn it into a bad experience for everyone. We have a firm belief that being good to the community and providing excellent service are very important. That means we have to be realistic about our availability and capabilities. If we over extend ourselves we won't be able to adhere to those fundamental values.
Regarding content, I defer to what Progenitor has posted in the two similar topics. We will introduce both low and high level content and try very hard to accommodate everyone's play style.
And finally, since our hired staff will undoubtedly read this, I'd like to say publicly how much I appreciate them and how hard they work for us and for our customers. These are people who frequently use Second Life as a source of entertainment and they've chosen to spend that time helping people. It is not uncommon to find any of them helping our players even though they are technically off-duty or long after they should have gone to bed simply because they are so committed to customer happiness that they don't want to tell anyone they are "off the clock." They are our biggest advocates and not just by spreading the word about us. These folks believe in what we are doing so much that they reinvest in our product too. While I wish they would stop working when their shifts are over, I couldn't ask for more loyal and committed staff.
We talk to people in group chat and the forums every day. We've been telling anyone who would listen that Faunarosa is coming for a long time. We didn't announce pricing to anyone, even our internal staff, until the time of launch.
And we're going to be releasing more new stuff, too, so hold on tight.
Hug those Mossms for me.
thank you all for your responses and Prog and Asym i'm looking forwards to what is comming.
chuckles at Mrs Hunters response "well its up to everyone if they want to hide theire mossms or not but it doesnt take a genious to figure out that Jocelyn is one of those "big" breeders even when the page is beeing hidden when you take a closser look at the recent Achievements it will tell you a lot. Jocelyn i do understand your responses to and that you dont have much reasons to "complaine" but none is really complaining but merely "venting" thoughts. Ofcourse the small breeders look with big eyes to the bigger breeders and some might do it with jealousy others with envy and others will admire but we all have one thing in common we love and like the mossms and want that chance on a rare one or able to get a blend/marking/colour and be the "first" and not number 100. Its a wishfull thinking of manny and not everyone has the rl money to use in sl. But what we all can do small and big breeders is trying to understand both sides. There always will be people that will rise above others and want to have the most/best and be first in all places no matter the cost.
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June 28, 2013
11 years, 8 months ago
Ok, so they bring out this "rare" mossm fast and they sell it. Guess what, they don't control that mossm anymore or the offspring. They have to start all over and breed a new one, which will still be part luck. Plus, any lindens they may have made went right back into the mossms for food or rent. I still don't see an advantage. Sorry.