breeding restrictons
no - we need to get out there and invite new breeders to auctions - make the mossm community larger
I personally find the restriction a pain- I don't sell mine, I only breed for the fun of it- and at almost 200 mossms, its getting harder to find parnters that can breed-
i think it should be parents and grands, the great grands is what is the problem, and while yes getting more into the commiunity can help, those people will face the same issue.... some wont invite because of it.
i dont breed often enough to have run into the issue yet..... but thats cause i can barely feed what i own... so i agree with jax, as for jocelyn, yea but the restriction is a problem for new players that buy mossms from sellers so they get discouraged off the bat....
I know that I complained in the beginning about that, but must admit I agree with Jocelyn. We need a larger community, but also we ourselves can start new lines...get a pair of starters and send them off and create new lines. I do not think the great grandparents are what is making the market slow (nice summer weather people on vacation etcetera play a roll),
But since the topic is "breeding restriction" I would like to offer a suggestion. And that would be that any given pair of mossms cannot breed more than once a day. So not 10 times if you hace the resources.
I think the fact that most people have their nursery full of babies and thus need to sell means the market s flooded. And then supply and demand is at work. Lower the supply....and the demansd will rise again.
I think lowering the supply would help improve the market but im not sure I would want breeding restrictions, too many rules becomes too much to keep up with.
It would be cool though if they came up with a way to help get unwanted mossms off the market. So instead of just sending them off to get some resources back there was some other reward like.... if you send a mossm off to space you get points toward a special planet that you can only breed on once you have accumulated an x amount of points or something. Would take extra mossms off the market keeping it from flooding and give an incentive.
I personally like the limits.. makes me need to buy some at times and think a bit on what I am doing. some times I then get a mossm I can't use as intended and go to get it a partner or make one... This is part of the fun to me personally so no to lowering restrictions... don't make it more tho :P
No to the only 1 oomf a day also as that would make it unfair to new people. We already have our numbers.. they would move up really slow or be forced to buy ours or many starters.. If this was how it was from the start would be different...
Ayanna, we already have some plans for improving the system for sending Mossms to space. When we get closer to releasing that we'll tell you more!
Regarding the secondary market: we're looking at a number of things to improve the desirability of Mossms and are working as quickly as we can towards those things. But Jocellyn is correct, a larger community to sell your mossms to would also help. :)
I agree a larger community would help but aside from showing off my mossms and giving some away as an incentive to fall in love with them, theres not much I can do get my friends interested in mossms. Maybe a special friend starter kit with a special mossm(at a higher price) would be cool. This could be done through a vendor pretty easily. Or a special set of mossms for you and a friend. Think of those cheesy "best friends forever" necklaces lol. I know people will buy them for thier alts, but I can see gifting those quirky gift to friends
LOL, best friend necklaces... I had one half of one of those when I was young. That's a cute idea, Lelou!
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July 16, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago
hello I have recently been seeing a sharp decline in the sales of mossms especially in the case of auctions , this is my dilemma last night whilst at a sponsor auction I saw 3 mossms I was interested in only to discover on looking at the family tree that all 3 was related to the majority of mine so there for would be pointless buying , personally I think it should be u cant breed 2 mossms together if they have the same parents and the restriction stop there , I think that would improve things dramatically as I said there has been numerous mossms ive declined to buy because the granddad or great granddad is related to mine , does anyone else think this restriction should be lifted to only immediate generations and not 2 or 3 generations back