How many people breed Mossms?

Zev Luv
July 20, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago

I have for years off and on breed dumbo rats.. not so much lately.. I would though breed them for a blaze marking mostly that I liked on them and I for sure breed family members together though I did not breed sister to brother or back to mom or dad.. cause I find it not good for making them a healthy animal to be too inbreed. I would be guilty of breeding baby to grandparent though.

mist Moleno
July 20, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago

I believe that when the mossm are without a shadow of doubt the best Breedables market, are much more practical to look after, are fun and very pleasant. in my opinion the MOSSM these Statements should extend to people of other languages ​​that were not the English. I had horses for almost 4 years and I always saw as breeders Brazilians suffered from this, the company has done until a university put all spoken in English! I agree that English is the universal language but I know many Brazilians do not speak English and this makes it difficult to the point of having Brazilian desist Breedables any especie.Acredito that if MOSSM invest in this aspect will certainly have many Brazilians as clients and friends

July 20, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago
Edited 11 years, 7 months ago by Asymmetrical

Cilia, you touch on a very emotional and passionate topic amongst RL breeders. There are some that would never inbreed for the health and safety of the animal despite the potential for great "traits." Meanwhile there are others that wouldn't think twice about it doing it. My Russian Blue cats came from a cattery like you describe. One of them is now dead because of the inherent health risks of too much inbreeding. On a lighter note, we chose this restriction to encourage trade rather than any RL moral standing we may or may not have on the topic. If our community does not grow it will remain a problem and we'll need to look at lifting the restrictions. If it does grow it will someday be forgotten that it was ever a problem. Right now, we're not going to change it other than what we've previously promised but we will be watching it as we step up efforts to find new players. And yes, it is definitely easier for me to make a great blood line. A year from now this will be a non-issue though. ;)

Mist... Thank you. We will be undertaking some projects to get some of our documentation translated to portuguese and other popular languages that we see in Second Life. We've begun translating notecards and will begin working on our documentation in the coming weeks. I hope that will help the Brazilian community feel more welcome here.

AmoAtrevido Atrevido
July 20, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago

mmmm i guess those stats about people breeding are not real cause as i see on fennux the real is this 22,607 Fennux, owned by 733 Avatars, across 431 Sims, not this: Fennux: 5528, is there any way to get the real amount of breeders

July 20, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago
Edited 11 years, 7 months ago by Asymmetrical

Amo, those stats I posted are very real. They are the actual sizes of the official community groups. Anyone can find them.
Here is Fennux:
Here is Mossms:

The stats from the Fennux site however are not a real representation of their players. Those represent of the number of players with Fennux listed for sale. It does not track every player that they have or how many Fennux exist world wide. We do not track this type of sales data since we don't run a market.

We have approximately 500 people playing (it fluctuates) and about 50 playing the secondary market (estimate) based on feedback from sponsors. we have LOTS of room to grow.

Jiminy Kling
July 20, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago

The fennux did something not silly to get that many people in the group. At first, they made a gift (a wearable fennux), that was changed every week and you needed the group tag to go get it at their mainstore. They also did a lot of communication work months before the game started. That is how they got that many people. I believe in that amount 5528, you can find a lot of people that came for the free gifts but do not own fennux, a lot of people that quit since but didnt leave the group, and probably a lot of alts also,..I do not believe it reflect the amount of real players today, regarding how the market for those is today.

July 20, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago

You may be right Jiminy but in actuality, it doesn't matter if those players are still with Fennux or not. The disparity between those larger groups and ours represents a huge opportunity for growth and that's the only point I'm making here.

Jiminy Kling
July 20, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago

I do see lot of people doing fennux coming to mossms now tho lol. And yes that number can and will grow :) I was just saying dont let you fool by what looks like a huge amount of players in another group, can be far from the truth :D

July 21, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago

No doubt!

July 21, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago

I haven't done many breedables during my time in SL - chickens, meeroos and now mossms - but I have to say that I love the ideas behind mossms and the actual community.
I don't have the money to be a big breeder and so for me it is about fun. I didn't know they existed until I found some roaming around outside at a clothing store I visited.
Every mossm owner I've spoken to has been wonderfully welcoming and friendly, answering my queries.
I think by tinkering with current advertising etc that more will be drawn in.

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