about "Keepin' It In The Family"
This change has to do with which mossms can mate with each other, Hamr. Family members cannot mate and we removed one layer of what's considered family. Traits still pass the same.
ah ok so traits still pass.. cool thank you :)
Edit: Was not sure if the whole third layer was removed from the math or not.
Did I miss something lol? When does/did this go into effect?
Thanks for explaining Asymmetrical because earlier I know a lot of people were thinking traits from great grandparents no longer play a role.
Lelou, this is what we're discussing. It went into effect the date of the blog post. http://mossms.com/news/keepin-it-family/
Regarding which traits have a chance of passing to the baby, you can see this on the breeding screen: the ancestors shown in the breeding screen are the ones whose dna goes into the pool with a chance to come forward.
What we've changed here is how we restrict which mossms are related: we now restrict them only if one of the ancestors shown on the breeding screen is in common; previously we looked back one additional level.
I think I need more coffee or I am becoming more dense as the hours go by. Every time I read an explanation I get more confused.
Now we can breed our mossms with their great grandparents?
I'd look on my breeding screen but I am not allowed to because I don't have enough food
Great! Now I will look over all my mossms again and try some breeding back with grandparents and see how that goes!
July 23, 2013
11 years, 7 months ago
This means they no longer take traits from great gran at all? so all the OS that has in great gran are now ready for space or cryo?
Not upset at this just wondering if I can now weed those out of my ranks.