Rename cryos???
I've noticed I can rename them on the page and it will click back to the link if touched with the changed name on the website- but they don't change on the cryo..til its opened and mossy put in inventory then the name changes on the mossy. But being able to change it over the cryo would be excellent. I had to pod nearly everything I have and had gobs of pods that I still have not opened to use yet either..I took the time to click everything and write it all down on paper BUT that gets hard to keep up as well =D
I put them in named folders such as black /white/ gradients but would be so much easier if the pods themselves could be renamed
I'm not sure we will be doing this but I'll add it to our list of things to consider. Thanks for the idea, Sable.
Aug. 7, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago
would it be possible in the future to be able to rename cryos ? Like if you bought someone elses cryo and if you could rename it to something that means something to you so you can identify for your self what's in the cryo .. just a thought I can't wait for a listing of all cryo boxes you own