
Aug. 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

I know the stats have not come into play yet.
But can I find out what the lowest stats are on the low end and the Highest on the high..or will that be unlimited on the high?

Aug. 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

We can't really talk about these details right now but we'll let you know asap!

Aug. 8, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

ok won't waste time breeding on them at the moment then lol

Little Lelou Bender
Aug. 9, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

It's not really a waste of time Aizik it will take a few breeding's to get OS with a visible stat increase. Personally, the highest stat I have seen is 14.3, and on the lower end I have seen 10.

Aug. 9, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

yeah some one Im'd me to let me know.. it was 14 point what evers and prolly at least 15 if they do like others. I have what I wanted made already if I wanted to try what ever the other gaming aspects of this was going to be. ..just not going to make any more for gaming atm ..selling or sending in most of what I have that is a bit lower then the best I have done already.

Aug. 9, 2013
11 years, 6 months ago

cant wait to see the stats come into play im looking forward to it. ;))

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