Changes and the real impact
What i want to see in mossms is something to breed for other than colors or patterns. Im dying to see traits with physically noticeable differences like different color eyes, ear sizes, body sizes, glow, different sized feet maybe some whacky hair... anything i can physically see and work to breed for trait wise ;)
That's coming Ayanna. We had a number of problems to address. new traits is one of them. We'll have lots of things for you to work on as the revamp unfolds.
well I didn't really see a prob with the breeding system to begin with , that being said I don't really see a prob altering it that's just my own personal opinion I can certainly see why people may have a problem changing it , regarding stage 1 it seems to me to be a safe option im more interested to see what stage 2 is gonna throw at us , wether people will stick around till stage 2 comes into effect I have no idea ,I certainly will be so keep up the good work guys
Jax, Phase 1 is infrastructure that has to be completed before we can move to phase 2. Since we're making everyone wait longer for the fun things we decided to make Phase 1 a little more appealing by throwing in a new color and some blends.
Things will start to get a lot more fun when we introduce Phase 2. Once we get through Phase 1 around the 1st of the month I will make a new blog post that talks about the new things coming in Phase 2 on a more granular level.
Keep the feedback coming, all!
I see taking away ancestory (effectively taking away traits that don't show on the current Mossm) as a negative. If future traits work like colors and blends, then there is little effort to get what you want, cause what you see is what you get. I know you are striving for some predictability in the breeding, mainly because people want "I win" buttons, but in doing so, you eliminate the possibility of a suprise trait coming from the Mossm that was not visible. Starters that only pass what you see is a bit boring in my opinion. Why can't the rare color purple be a hidden trait that you can get from a blue mossm starter instead of a rare color you get if you buy enough starters? For every shown trait, there should be at least one hidden trait of the same type. When other traits are added to the system, the entire trait could be hidden in the starter and only exposed upon breeding and getting babies.
I don't think I am confusing simplification of the breeding process with easy to achieve. How hard is it going to be to get another of the same blend when you breed to mossms of the same blend together? It's not. Colors are even easier. How are purple and pink Mossms going to become more rare? I will be able to reproduce them by the 100s in no time.
All I am saying is don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
It is not about the breeding system. It's about the lack of distinguishable traits to breed for aside from blends.
If anything, the not allowing line breeding or inbreeding is what hurt your breeding system, cause that is the way all real life domestic animals were created, and that is how you get a pure breeding line. Getting a pure breeding line with the current system requires too much investment in live mossms of different ancestory. People are not willing to pay to feed the amount you need to get pure ancestry. Increase the odds of shown traits passing over hidden traits and planet contributions and allow line breeding and inbreeding. I say problem solved without over simplifying the whole thing.
I too am a bit concerned about the new breeding system only allowing the parents and the planet to decide what baby you will get. Getting a good breeding line will then no longer matter, and all the offsprings of good mossms that don't show that trait will be worthless. Other than that I see a lot of nice changes as well. Can't wait for the new colour yellow, new blends and new traits.
I would however also like to see the opportunity to turn my mossms into eternal mossms, I am starting to get a lot of those I would like to turn into pets. Is this also going to be a part of the update to mossms? I would love it if it was :)
Cilia, thanks for explaining that. I appreciate it.
For all its worth, Prog, Coolbrain and I agree that the old system was way cooler and it was very hard for us to decide to make this change. What you and Hamr and some of the others that like the existing system do not know is that each of us on the team have spent hours upon hours upon hours explaining the system to so many people who simply do not get it. Despite spending hours trying to help them they end up leaving because they can't figure it out. We have a small minority of players that say they get it and of those that claim to get it even fewer show signs of actually getting it. If you look at their Mossms and the ancestries this becomes very apparent.
Simplifying the breeding does not make things easier or less rare. In fact, as someone that understood our system you know that if you were patient and paired things properly you could get exactly what you want with 100% of the time. The new system will not be that way. It didn't happen like that because people didn't get it. The key difference between our new system and what you've described above is that there is no "surprise" in our system. Our system reveals all possible outcomes, even the hard ones. Your system does not reveal all possible outcomes, one outcome is hidden, but is otherwise arguably more simple than what we're about to do.
As I mentioned before we never intended for it to be difficult to work on colors and we don't plan on making it that way though, admittedly, we are adding some slight rarity that was not previously there. We do understand the serious need for traits though and those are coming and there will be plenty of them to make color unimportant. I know its hard to envision a time when color doesn't matter as much and I don't blame you for feeling like since we've had so few traits for so long.
You and I have talked quite a bit so I hope you know that I mean no disrespect when I say that I think that you are wrong about people wanting a "win" button. That's a generalization applied to the masses that really only applies to a few. What people really want is to feel confident that they are getting what they paid for and that was not happening here. Whether or not the system worked as advertised is irrelevant, perception is everything. The players overwhelmingly do not believe in our system. When the secondary market first started tanking the feedback we got then was that the players were afraid to buy because they had no faith that the system works or that they can extract the trait from the Mossm. It was much later before people started pin pointing lack of traits as a problem.
The breeding system and the lack of traits are both problems and while addressing the first one isn't very fun it has to be done. Hang in there with me, dear Cilia. I think you'll like what is coming.
Decided to tell how disappointed i am , it took me lots of time ,effort and money to make a perfect lineage with my moonstars ,since few weeks i got them with 14 moon in BG and if i understand the new breeding system those are worthless now ? because some ppl didnt understood how to breed ? Its sad really !!! new blends traits and new colors are ok but i am not sure i am ready to start again from scratch :( Sorry
i am agreeing with the breeders here that the colors and stuff should be used farther back in the family tree. they are aliens after all so having that grandma or great grand pa coat show up is always a neat surprise. maybe some day add more traits like ear or tails. ^_^
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Sept. 18, 2013
11 years, 5 months ago
As someone who no longer breeds Mossms,and used to eagerly follow the blog and forums hoping to find some news that will re-ignite my interest in Mossms. Thank you for the updated news.