Changes and the real impact
The games you talk about changed over years not months.
They did not change the fundamental game radically either.
They also did not make our characters worthless they made them useful in getting new things.
You are how ever putting the worth of a perfect mossm down and changing your fundamental game. Instead of putting out what we was promised you are turning your back to your old breeders.
There's a saying in RL "Stupid people should not be allowed to breed" I would say same goes here.. it was not that hard to understand and it was more fun when you could get something you did not expect..
I remember getting a moon from a background with only one moon.. that was fun.
You lost thousands of mossms mouths to feed doing this.
Hope you win some back. My last mossm is 5 in 11 hours at that time it goes in cryo and I doubt I look at this page much again.
Madi - I applaud you. You have the coolest Mossms I've seen! That said, existing Mossms will have value under the new system, it just won't be in the same way. They are not worthless and you won't have to start over. People will need them in Phase 2.
Hamr - I beg to differ. I've played some characters that were powerful that became incredulously lame with subsequent patches. In fact, WoW's first patch radically changed the entire game from a PvP centric game to a PVE raiding game. Things ebb and flow in games and always have, you know that.
Regarding stupid people not breeding: I'm not sure that telling our customers that they are too stupid to play our game is a very good business strategy.
If surprises in the breeding are of emotional value we can certainly figure out a way to include that in the new system but, continuing down a failing path is not a wise business choice even if it has the unfortunate side effect of alienating some people. We really are not turning our backs on our existing players. We are doing everything we can to ensure that there investments pay off.
My final thought for you, Hamr: I believe very strongly that the changes have to be made for the business to succeed. I understand how you feel and why you feel the way you do and I am sympathetic to it. I have no hard feelings against you and respect your choices. I hope that you'll maintain respect for us as well, even if you disagree. Cheers.
I feel the same as Madi. I have great moonstars and zebra's with 14 in the bg and its all goes down the drain. There are no sales and there will not be and i can cryo them all or send them to space. All the work for nothing. I think we were prefectly capable of breeding perfect mossms. The only thing i missed were traits like ears and eyes and tails, like that.
If you would have given us those traits now and then, it would have made a hell of a difference.
Long lines and ancestry is needed to make it interesting. Selling offspring is also finished or try breeding them to get a coat or a blend or color.
I am absolutely not happy with the new breedingplan of only parents. Its a really very BAD idea.
this is what i wanted to say
Asym.. you seem to have miss understood the point many of us are trying to make here.. Your making our months of perfect line breeding worthless.. not to mention the last RFL mossms... perfect lines... now worth 0. You can't possibly respect me or the others doing this.
Not saying don't add new things. the thing is you keep changing the old instead of adding new. This is why myself and at least 4 friend who do mossms cryo'ed theirs and is now wondering to leave.
Add new things. Leave the old as is.Sadly I can't respect you or your choices when you screwed me over like this.
And if not for a heads up about this post I would likely not have read it and replied.
WoW is the example we use so... now a days a 5 year old can play a character to max in a week or so. is that what you want? new people to have everything in a week or 2?
Where's the fun in that. there's no "endgame" in mossms yet cause you keep putting it on hold to make it easier for morons.
You really should read what the old big breeders said here.. not just me cause I am clearly not on your side.. I am extremely disappointed.. never thought you would do this.. Meeroo team sure.. not the mossms team..
I think Jack sparrow said it best when he said this:
Me I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly it's the honest ones you have to watch out for, you never can predict if they're going to do something incredibly stupid.
(edit: last one in cryo after a final oomf out. Signing of mossms at very least for now. (never say never haha))
idk why all the rudeness in this forum honestly. Change can be a good thing and like i said before the big picture is not being looked at by some and some it is. no one said your mossms would be worthless but yourself at no time did the team state this cause they will not be worthless. I think everyone needs to give it a chance instead of bashing the team that is working hard and doing a great job they are smart people they really are and the name calling is kinda childish in my eyes... so lets all give things a chance instead of just putting everything down pls.
Asymmetrical I think you are doing a excellent job and all the Mossms team. I just wanted to let yous know. Also was thinking about how seems biggest concern I read is about how the Mossms will breed .. just parents and planet now. I admitt I am not 100% comfortable with it but.. I have cofidence in the plan.. I have read it all and looking at the bigger picture. The offsprings may not be worth something now when they are not as wanted but seems to me the ones that come out right.. and get traits will hold their value well. Of course I do not sell and I am not a big breeder of Mossms but I read and watch. Mostly I just like the Mossms.. and if I do not have the money to breed them and keep them I would not.
Fair enough, Hamr. You are free to not like our changes and you are free to not like or respect me but calling me a thief is a little on the dramatic side. Good luck wherever your journeys take you.
Thank you Zev! We love you too and appreciate the vote of confidence.
Where in the earth moon and stars does it states that breeding any kind of breedables is a big bussniess oportunies and give lots of Linden?. I often seem read betwin lines its more for hope of big fortunes then for joy and fun people have Mossms or other breadables, that is sad. Its good sell to get to food and new yes, but having breedables should not depend on earn a lot and profit. I have Mossms as well others breeedables tru time for the fun and joy. I do go on markets and have buyed Mossms and will still if need any or find any interesting. And its rearly the same stuff people write and say in treads as for Chicken Egg.. Ozimal Bunnies ABC Horses, Meerooer and god know what els been in SL. And I have loved have every breedable I had.. and Now its the Mossms and I look for forward to more still :)
Bert and his new Baby Kissinger there just guffing off
Wow people, after reading this I am a little shocked. I still have over 300 Mossms running around, the changes have not put me off one little bit, I for one like the changes, even though I have some great BGs in my Moonstars, but in no way has any of the changes turned me away. Change is needed we all know that, not just for those that have whined and moaned about what has been happening or not happening for them but for the future of the game. This is a unique game the creators have put together for us, they have made changes when possible as soon as possible because people get in here and ask/demand for it NOW! but as soon as changes are made people whine, get nasty and don't give the creators the respect they deserve for putting in their time, their money and a big part of their real life to make something or build up on something that will only be of benefit to all in the future. Changes take time, the Mossms Team has pushed through changes so darn quick to keep this all going for you all, to give the game a new life, back them up, show some respect and most of all enjoy it, because isn't that what Second Life is about, to try new things, to play with new ideas, to have fun and the big one TO THINK OUT OF THE BOX and to explore your imagination!
WTG Mossms Team :)
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Sept. 20, 2013
11 years, 5 months ago
My thing in sl has always been ..don't spend more then you have or can loose and not feel bad about ..pretty much how I do rl too.
I've been in sl since 2008 and have had many shops and sims and places that made funds and some that did not BUT all in ALL I had FUN.
While I have been a bit ..just going in my head the past few weeks ..GEEZ wish I had not spent quite so much... mostly on rent and not the Mossys =D
I weigh out the fact THAT I got enjoyment out of it.. money wise - I made less then a push ..mostly due to renting places other then my own home/shop places. To start I had over 3000 prims to use at a good price BUT they allowed no more then 5 Mossms out.
So I had to move to way less prims so ..had to rent more places to work.
( I'm now downsized to a place I can run 4 full dance floors and that is going to be it unless I rent places)
ALL in ALL even though sells where slow..and EVEN though I even EVERY week would had a FREE mossy out even they didn't seem wanted. SO the past few weeks I worked on what I wanted to have..spent funds I could of used for other things BUT I made what I wanted to work with to make what I WANTED. granted rebreeding them now may or may not produce anything anyone else may want now .. but I enjoyed it and I am chalking up the past as a fun semi productive learning and meeting some great people in sl.
I hoarded up most of the ones I have. I look at it this way the ones I JUST LOVE ..enjoy and want to keep I will and wait to see how to just make a pet out of.. ones that are run of the mill and won't be much to work with or a good worker well I can turn them back in to get resources to work with some new ones.
That said 1 thing I wish would happen faster then anything else the ability to I guess LOCK for lack of a word .. the ability to put what I want working on what ever environments I own personally ON the web site and have them work world all they have to do is be out of the pod and say stored in a folder with said environments and of course have food to make them work.( I know ..prolly something down the line but my #1 MONEY saver dream so I have MORE money to buy with)
A big added bonus IF I have a mossy out but on a static stand NOT working why should it eat? It's standing and for sell yet I spend as much food on a non productive one {other then maybe actually selling =)}
I think the static stand should work a LEAST a bit like podding. Say it eats slower or a bit less then a out and working its little tail off one. Just a thought I had been rolling over for a quite a while.
Still hanging in though to try all over again with some new ones and or with what I have .. I understand revamps and improvements happen all the time on all kinds of products and this is not any different .. it's just the WAITING
But well great things come to those who wait some times and I have my fingers crossed you all get the product you envision out and going strong very soon.
Thanks for always being there to help and answer and understand have to have your heart in it to have what you have and I hope it just keeps getting better.