Game Progression: The Rate You Get Stuff
I would like to be able to get more of the nursery items with slk
just to add i bit more variety, and to try them out :), i feel the pace of the game gaining slk from young one is fine, i haven't any adults yet
Once we launch, all the nursery items will be available in different starter kits, so you'll be able to try them out that way. You bring up an interesting idea, though.
I think it will always be a question of how many mossms a player has. Unfortunately it will probably turn off people who can't afford alot of mossms. I suppose there's no way around that.
We wanted to design it so that even people with only 2 mossms can progress enough to get a new environment or mossm every few days. We have at least some people trying it at that level. I wonder how it's going...
I think Nursery items should also be allowed to be gotten stand alone, even if it cost L to get :) cause people would be buying starter kits for just the items. Will that be able in the future :)
I agree with Zermit. What if there were a couple basic nursery items and a few more interesting ones that were bought with slk or lindens?
i think if they were made available for purchase then they should be bought using slk, they should have to be earned playing the game, i think once one environment is sold for L$ people will expect the others to be too, gaining points to buy environments to advance is an integral part of the game, if that is altered the game changes too much and it becomes Lindens driven
Also i will prob only have a few say 10 moosms once they are released and wont put me off, i dont think its about how fast you advance its about the enjoyment you get as you go along, the rate my 10 babies gain slk is pretty good im happy with it :)
ps i wouldn't buy extra starter packs to get other environments if there not made available to buy with slk i will do without them
I want to get the nursery items like crip and sink, or the dresser, but i really dont know how to get another starter kit. so it would be great if we can get them alone, like zermit and eiena said.
I have my 10 mossms, and im happy if i can buy them other stuff, like a little mossm town one day.
You guys all raise excellent points here. So, I'm going to talk a little bit about how we got where we are and then how we might do better.
One thing that is really important to us is that a new user's first and most impressionable minutes with Mossms is easy and fun. Once a new user has everything setup there is plenty of time for them to relax and try to learn how to play the game. We believe those first few minutes are critical, though, and we don't want the user's first experience with Mossms to be confusing or stressful. So we decided that the best way to facilitate this we would be to provide a new user with everything necessary to get through many days of play in a single package. That no matter what they bought, they could not possibly fail in their starting moments with Mossms.
As example of what I mean here, let me tell you about an experience that I had. There was this one breedable that shall rename nameless. Sadly, I found the first hour of the game to be quite aggravating. I really wanted to play this game so I went to the official store to get a starter kit. There wasn't one. I had to go find babies elsewhere. After finally finding some babies (which wasn't easy) I went home only to find I could not rez them without another item. It took me a long time to find this other item. Then once I got the other item I discovered that I needed a HUD and had to go look for that too. It took me over an hour to just get them rezzed and then I still had to go find some food, which also turned out to not be so easy. We really don't want our new users to feel the way I did.
Also of concern to me is potential confusion in our own store. For example; imagine a new user coming to make a purchase and having several starter kits available in addition to items that are for sale separately (like Mossms and Environments). Knowing that many of our potential customers are not English readers and of those who are, a good percentage won't bother to read, how do we eliminate confusion concerning what the new user should be buying?
So there you have it. Now that you know how I feel, I'd love to here your thoughts on how we might accomplish what you'd like to see and still provide a good user experience for new users. Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses. Can't wait to see them!
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Feb. 24, 2013
11 years, 12 months ago
I'd like to know how you feel about the pace of the game progression-- the rate that you get new things, and advance into getting more advanced things like Blossms and Zip.
Keep in mind that at launch, some people will have only two mossms, and some will have 20 or more. We've already made one change to how the game pacing works, by reducing the cost of the single planter.
Are you liking the pace, does it seem fun and ok and fair to you?