Show Us Your Mossm Setup
Cordelia made a post about her setup here on her blog.
Mossms return to space, in my space habitat.
Playing in the nursery, playing patty cake in the cot, one hiding in the draw and another spotting the tail of the one in the draw.
Mossms gardening in space.
Mossm have turned into scientific observers, watching an underwater volcanic vent.
Nevermind. LOL I give up. I can't get my pics up here. I must be a big dork. Even the links don't work.
**I added this for you, Elena. Its too cute to not post. -- Asymmetrical**
Elena, Flickr does a good job of hiding the photo urls and the Flickr links don't just work so don't be too discouraged. Sometime after launch we'll add a feature to the site so you can upload your photos here. In the interim, if you want to schedule a voice chat I can help walk you through it.
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March 12, 2013
11 years, 11 months ago
Father watching babies having a bath in the sink.