
Myzan DeSilva
Aug. 11, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago
Edited 10 years, 6 months ago by Myzan DeSilva

Once again I write since I wish more information about sports.
My intention is not to sound negative I write since I do care and have been with Mossm’s for soon almost a year. I am as well not English speaking so my wording may be wrong but I ask you to keep in mind that I wish well. This is as well my view and I am sure many perhaps wishes something else as well as there is people that I know share my opinions.
I like breedables where there is a challenge - there one has to do some thinking, the same goes for games/sports of any kind
In my humble opinion Mossm’s are very cute and your Company stands for high quality but to be honest that will not be enough to keep my interest in the long run. The cute factor would perhaps make me keep a couple of Mossms just to watch until I get tired of paying for food.
Today I know I can get any mossm out there all by myself if I just invest time and spend enough lindens (in food and land) - no thinking, skill or luck needed. What I mean is, I do not need to look for the perfect ancestor, there is no hidden x-factor who can make me extra proud over finding a special mossm and all mossms looks colorful and cute in my eyes. If a special trait comes out you can buy it very cheap and easy compared to other breedables and before you can blink everyone has it. In my opinion to be blunt, the breeding system lacks excitement and something to be proud of.
That’s why I did put all my hope into the sports. I have been waiting since last fall. I love a good game of greedy or chess as well as action like racing. I honestly have the entire time believed that Mossms will rock the market as soon as the Sports would come out. That Mossm would be something totally different and exciting. I have as well seen how capable you are to produce quality so my trust in you being able to create something challenging and fun was never blemished. Until recent discussions that have made me utterly worried. I now get a feeling it will be a very, very, simple thing without hardly any challenge and is more focused on socializing. I am afraid:
- That you wish to make this, so simple so people will not think it’s too hard and leave,
- That you are underestimating the population who breed Mossms (just like last year when the breeding system became far too simple)
I think people are bright enough to understand anything they find interesting and I do believe people ask many question not only because they do not understand, sometimes it’s just an “ice breaker” to get to know people, have something to talk about and to get contact. Of course there is as well people who is afraid of losing a contest or a game and just cannot stand competition, but then they forget how they already is competing with others when they sell there Mossms.
So that’s why I once again ask before the sport’s is released,
Please tell us more about it so our expectations can end on a reasonable limit, and if you only wish to attract a public who wish things as easy as possible.
Sincerely Myzan

Aug. 11, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago
Edited 10 years, 6 months ago by Asymmetrical

We can’t provide tons of details about gator wrestling just yet because not all of the technological hurdles have been overcome. We’ve learned that talking about what we’d like to do and then not doing it, even if its because of the technical restraints of Second Life, results in very poor reactions from our customers so we don’t like to talk about the specifics of what we are doing until we are certain we can deliver it. As soon as we are certain that we can deliver everything we have planned we’ll gladly talk more freely about it.

That said, here’s things we can talk about… Preparing for competition will be a huge part of sports and it will be quite challenging to get a Mossm that has everything it needs to be a rock star competitor. Stats, ancestry, blends, and training levels, will all affect how well your Mossms do in sporting events. Mossms will have to retire too so you won’t be able work on the same Mossm indefinitely. It may take a long time and a lot of effort to get a Mossm that can actually win. You’ve said that full ancestry doesn’t interest you right now but it should because Mossms with full ancestry will do better than those that don’t have it and full ancestry of the more difficult blends will do better than full ancestry of the easier blends. If you don’t get started on this now you’ll be way behind the curve when sports releases.

One thing to take note of, we’re making a breeding game in which breeding well means you’ll do better in competition. If you don’t enjoy breeding/raising/training your creatures then I will freely admit that you will probably be disappointed in what we are doing. As much as we would love to appeal to everyone we didn’t set out to make a game of greedy, or chess, we set out to make a game in which you raise and train creatures and that’s what we’re doing. I am certain that people who enjoy that type of game are going to be very pleased.

When we say we want to make things easy to understand that doesn’t mean we are dumbing it down or making a game that a three year old can play. What it means is that the game needs to be intuitive. It is a fact that human nature takes over and people will give up on something if they cannot understand it reasonably quickly. I know, I am one of them. We’re not underestimating anyone at all we just want to be sure what we do is as intuitive as possible. Second Life doesn’t make that very easy. Regarding last year’s breeding changes, we did that at the request of the community and realized after that fact that it was a mistake to change our vision that radically. We reverted those changes and we won’t make that mistake again.

And finally, Progenitor is working very hard on finishing a demo. When he is closer to having that complete we will show it to everyone and talk more about what to expect.

Aug. 11, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago

If it's challenge you're interested in, I think you'll find it won't be a simple thing to have the very best Mossm in a given sport. So give it a shot when we release it and see what you think.

Myzan DeSilva
Aug. 11, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago

Yes sorry if I offend you with my questions but perhaps its better they are out in the open then hidden? Like now Im sure more then me wonder how expensive it will be to be able to compete in the sports... Breeding stats on Fabulosity is at least over my budget.
Promise I will be quiet after this.
Best of luck

Aug. 11, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago
Edited 10 years, 6 months ago by Asymmetrical

We're not offended Myzan. We're just being realistic and responding in the best way we can. We're not hiding anything either. We've talked freely about the things we know for certain publicly many times but, we will not talk about things that we are not certain we can do. When we know we can do them then we will talk about them and we think that's pretty reasonable. If we aren't certain we can do things then talking about it is just fantasizing anyway.

Regarding breeding on Faunarosa... you can breed stats on any planet but the harder blends will have better ancestry bonuses than the easier blends. That doesn't mean you have to have treefrogs to compete though. I can think of a couple of situations in which you could still compete and win. For example: Someone could make and you could join a league in which only cow Mossms can compete and you could be the best cow owner in all the land. Or, you could breed really hard for stats on Mossomopolis and theoretically have higher natural stats on your gradient than on Bob's treefrog - though, Bob could do the same thing on Faunarosa if he was into optimization.

Regarding things being over budget.... We spent a great deal of time tweaking and massaging spreadsheets to make sure that anyone with at least 10 Mossms could play our game and accomplish something every few days. I know exactly how long it takes. While it may be true that it will take you longer than others who have more Mossms to make a super awesome competition Mossm it is not impossible. Similarly, people who have fewer Mossms than you will take even longer.

Aug. 11, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago

Myzan, I'd also like to add that we never want anyone to just be quiet. You are always welcome to express your opinions, and ideas here. If we didn't want feedback we wouldn't provide a forum. ;)

Aug. 17, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago

If you need a beta tester...count me in!!

Aug. 20, 2014
10 years, 6 months ago

As Usual You all Rock in Mossm Land. Company is so well run and informative. Helpful and straightforward.
I know for me I am looking to make a heck of a mossm if I can, and if I cant well I sure have a great time trying.
LOL CeCe beta is long ago in the Pootyplap partybompin bootyschmack days

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