Transfer Mossms with or without Cryo-Box

April 1, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

Hello all,
i had some thoughts about the use of the Cryo Boxes i wanna share.
As you know the Mossms are transferable in both ways, as alive Mossm or in a Cryo Box. Now if you have once put a Mossm into a Cryo Box you cant transfer it as alive Mossm anymore. If you try you will get a message that the Mossm you try to transfer been previously in Cryo and can only transfered if its in Cryo again.
This wont be a problem for selling them in a Market. But at a life Mossms auction you only can sell them if they havnt been previously in Cryo jet. So it would appear that some Mossms can be sold directly and others you need to put into cryo before able to sell.
Im afraid this would confuse Customers. I would rather like to have them only transfer into Cryo, even they havnt been in cryo jet or have them transfer with or without cryo in any case, as have this kind of first and second class Mossms.
Since the Launch coming closer, this crys for a solution.
@Progenitor , you said in another topic that you want to have some special environement for auctions, this would also just possible for mossms who havnt been in cryo jet. Maybe it is possible to implement a function in that environement that makes a mossm always Transferable at the auction, as long the Mossm is part of the auction and using that environement.
I wish you all a happy Easter:-)
greetings Sandy

April 1, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago
Edited 11 years, 10 months ago by Progenitor

Asymmetrical and I been discussing this since reading your post. We think you raise great points, and we generally agree with you. We'll discuss this more, but here's what we plan to do.

1. Make Mossms transferable via cryo-pod only. This will prevent problems you described, as well as preventing some other ways people could cheat each other with live-transfers. We'll do this before launch.

2. We'll make an auction system after launch that lets players see the mossm inside the cryo-pod that's being auctioned, either as a hologram or something else, that struts around and looks fun, and also facilitates the transfer of ownership from one player to another either with or without a cryo-pod.

Pebbles Blake
April 2, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

Okay, I can understand why you would want to make them trnasfer by cyro pod only. But if they can only be frozen three times that certainly limits things alot. They can breed ten times, so If I boxed a baby, and later breed it a couple of times, boxed it again. the new owner could only box it once more. So if it was a rarer one that they wanted to keep as a pet or to sell on to someone else later, it wouldnt be possible?

Or if someone wanted to see one live and I unboxed it for them , and then had to box it again. the mossm coudl only be boxed once more.

Potato of the Night
April 2, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

Ok so the cryo freezes all the stats as the are when u freeze it right? I don't see why u need to limit it to only 3 times.

I like the hologram idea :-)

Potato of the Night
April 2, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

ok ok ok I just thought of an idea
make 2 types of cryo boxes!
one that is for short term for auctioning kinda things and another one for more long term where they have to still eat or somethin :-) with the short term one they don't eat and don't age or anythings till they are woken up then they resume where they left off and same age and everything (can't cheat that way hehe)

the long term one be for peeps who for whatever reason want to keep the poor lil buggers boxed up for long periods of time.

April 2, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

greg i think you'd want that reversed i do think they thing for long term is until you rez a baby.... you don't know what you have so it's live at that point if you want to long term that baby for future you dont want it to eat while frozen, sorta makes the need to freeze sorta odd...

IF there was a short term that let them still eat and such that would be for a short sale or auction type deal

April 2, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago
Edited 11 years, 10 months ago by Asymmetrical

In a nutshell, the limit on freezing (cryo) prevents cheating, most notably in the form of avoiding having to feed them. It also addresses a couple of other concerns that we highlighted in another thread.

Pebbles, I must admit I'm a little stumped by the problem you've raised. Can you tell us how the other non-live birth breedables handle this issue so we have a basis to work with?

Regarding feeding while frozen... that came up before and I agree that on paper it looks great. It looked so good that we batted it around seriously for a while. However, I strongly believe that having to pay for a Mossm that you are not using will have a bad psychological effect and I would rather not do this.

Pebbles Blake
April 2, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago
Edited 11 years, 10 months ago by Pebbles Blake

One of my breedables is born in a nest. and once its a live, it can't be put back in the nest and can not go for more than three days with out food ,before it starves.
but lives can be transfered freely with no penalty .

I have tried one more that if the animals starves it gets sick, its penalty is losing the ability to breed once. so it can be starved / stored for as long as required at the penalty of one baby.

I had one breedable that would eat ,well in inventory, like the mossms do, and that caused the issue with people who didn't have prim,s and didnt nescessarily want to feed that animal at the moment , usually because they were short of lindens etc, had to pass them to alts who didn't have food ,for it to not eat there precious food. It wasn't a succesful breedable and is no longer on the grid.

I can understand why you want to avoid people not feeding them and only breeding a baby when they are able to keep it. I know you are trying to avoid the stacking up of unwanted babies issue, I already have two boxed babies , I don't want. mainly because with only 5 live adults, I'm limited to what babies I can use, and I keep trying to get a boy to go with my single girl. so the new girl babies have been frozen almost instantly. because if i was playing for real and paying for food thats what i would be doing. trying to play the game the way i would when its live. Limited prims means I'd need the correct sex/ coat/ etc for my plans.

April 2, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for the quick response! Can I ask you a question? I know you'll say yes so I'll just ask...

You said you have two boxed up that you don't want. When we introduce the cash in program (you'll get to cash them in for a refund on a portion of the resources it costs to make them) will this solve your over population dilemma? You wouldn't have to feed unwanted ones, because you could return them at any time. Then you could freeze just the ones you actually do want to keep for use at a later time.

Pebbles Blake
April 2, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

Hmm.. The thing is at the moment, I haven't worked out whats a good Mossm and whats not ? whats need to breed a good one etc? So when we start live I would be reluctant to give any of them back to be cashed in , in case , I discovered it was the magic key to the ones i need! When I know what I am doing , and what my target with breeding is with them, then I would be more williing to cash them in, but until then I do like to keep all my babies so I don't miss out on a baby I might need later!

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