Transfer Mossms with or without Cryo-Box

April 2, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

That's a good point, Pebbles. We need to make it easy for you to determine which Mossms you really need so you can make informed decisions. We'll be taking care of that very soon.

Potato of the Night
April 3, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

the only other breedable that I can think of right now that does Live birthings is ABC Horses I believe. all the other's come in nests or cocoons or eggs, or boxes as babies, then when u ready birth or hatch them, and that's when they become alive, and u can transfer them freely without boxes. most people prefer to sell them as unbirthed because they can only breed untill they are X number days old. and with the mossms the only purpose would be to save prims because they do not "retire" until you use up all your oomphs. Perhaps the cash in system would be cool if it let u save up for special rewards u can get for turning them in and u get more points if they are rare, and if they are retired, and if they are X number days or older (doesn't have to be retirement age just incentive to keep them longer :D)

April 3, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago

precious wolves and precious hippos have live births, but they have a means to freeze the babies forever indefinitely

the adults though have issues if you crate them (a different container than for the babies) the hippos freeze but lose all gained heat
the wolves get hungry but don't lose happiness BUT they MUST eat their fill once free and they also lose all heat

they are live birth cause the real animals are live birth

ofcourse if you visit the area outside my mossms you'll see the problem your trying to avoid

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