Wanted Pirate Ninja

sissy Vintner
May 9, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

Hello I'm looking for a couple Pirate Ninjas. If you have any that's for sale please post.I will contact you in game.Thank You.

Cari Eagleman
May 11, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

I have this one I just got

Female Highlander Pirate Ninja Raven

Str 11.60 | Dex 10.29 | Int 12.69
Dis 11.13 | Cre 13.01 | Mox 12.23

sissy Vintner
May 11, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago

I tryed a search on your name and it came up nothing.can you send me a LM to it ?

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