Help! I am in need of a great big laugh! Free Mossm to the winner!
Just a heads up, I have revised the rules on this contest. You may submit as many jokes as you like!!!!
The results are in!!!
Drum roll please...........
The Best Mossm joke in existence is......
First Mossm says to the second Mossm “My memory is gone, so I changed my password to “Incorrect.” That way when I log in with the wrong password, the computer will tell me… “Your password is incorrect.”
Thank you so much Amberly Whiteberry! You win!!
May 27, 2015
9 years, 9 months ago
There was a Mossm who entered a local paper's pun contest.. He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
My first life co-workers and I were hoping you could help us with the quest to find the funniest Mossm joke in the world. Please come to The Mossm Museum to enter the contest!
Write a note card including your Mossm joke, humorous statement, or otherwise Mossm absurdity, and your full original second life name. Your joke can be original or copy pasted from a joke genius, but please have the word Mossm included in it.
The winner will receive:
Drag and drop your note card into the blue mailbox at The Mossm Museum located right near the landmark. You may submit multiple answers if you like! If repeat answers exist, only the first person who submitted it can possibly win a prize. The contest starts now and will close on Tuesday June 2nd at 12 noon (SL time). No entries will be accepted after that. The winners will be chosen by my first life co-workers and myself. Winners will be announced Thursday night June 4th.