Mossm , should they have a sound?
I agree with you there Pebbles would be nice if they had
i'd like to see text thoughts and such, sounds? they could definately but i think mine like being quiet as mice ^^ only time i've heard a rodent type in rl, they getting into trouble (scratching items, or crunching on foods) so lack of sound is cool to me
What kind of sounds are you imagining? Squeeks, chirps, charlie brown style muffled rumblings?
Lets hear your ideas!
I imagine they'd sound less like rats scratching, and more like children making funny noises with their faces halfway submerged in a bathtub :) Sound is an interesting thing in SL: every product I've ever made with sound, the very first thing people ask for is the option to turn it off. Certainly, if and when we do sound, it'll be an option. We have contacts who do sound professionally and have been talking to them, but at this time we're focusing first on gameplay and interaction. Later we will circle back and reconsider sound-- but only when it makes things even more delightful and awesome.
cool! and yep, I like your Idea prog, and yes it is needed to be an option, to be honest its rare for me not to have sl muted as I usually have company around. But today i had it on and my other breedables were chriping etc away and the mossms were so quiet.. it made me wonder!
Although I will admit I am one to keep sounds off myself, if I were to imagine what the Mossms sounds would be, it would be tiny soft little giggle songs, pitter patters of their feet, definite munching of pizza, and as they are alien in nature Telepathic thought bubbles with a soft bubble pop kinda like when you listen to Rice Krispies. blow bubbles in milk, or blow bubbles with a tiny bubble wand. Kid sounds under water like Pro said is probably the best description I'd agree.
Yes totally.. but no rat sounds. That would just be creepy.
happy little sounds ..when small - squeeks and laughs ..eating sounds and the ability to "talk" a bit back when older would be fun. Grunts when working out and singing in showers ..and well you get the ideas lol .. progressing on age and what the work they do and the ability to turn it off or only work when one touched it as well keep millions of them from all gabbing at once if you are in a area with lots of them around =D
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April 19, 2013
11 years, 10 months ago
They are so quiet creeping around, I think it would be nice if they had some sort of mossm sound! what does anyone else think?