August Breeding Challenge
Congrats Elverlii and Shari. I've sent your Mossms!
Yes, its fine. I was just considering whether winning on an alt was OK. Since I didn't say otherwise I sent the Mossm. Grats!
thanks for the beautiful mossm
Hey there. I was just trying to reconcile if a person is one real life human and all of their avatars or if each avatar counts as a person. I think I'm OK with alt abuse. ;) Congrats and thanks for playing! <3
wow, I finally did it and made a challenge baby, woot! Great way to end my breeding, huggles everyone!!
We sent your Mossm, Avalon. Congrats !
I've tried to message you a zillion times but we just always seem to miss each other. Lets talk! *hugs*
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Aug. 22, 2015
9 years, 6 months ago