Lets Play A Game: Photo Challenge
Thanks to everyone that participated in my photo challenge. Here are all of the images I received. If I acknowledged receipt of your image and you don't see it here let me know. If I did not acknowledge you and your image is not here, I did not receive it - in that case open up a ticket and lets talk!
alicemarie1 resident
Amber Mills
Angelusomega Resident
BrendaLee Fredriksson with a Mossm on my HEAD _D
Chandani Galicia
Chrissianna Resident with Cicily the Mossm on her head
daftcow _ AEG REZ Nightclub and Mall - Dance Animations Hair C
Ethan Aubin
Executioner Vaher Snapshot _ The Crossroads ~
Fiorcheart Resident
Fuchs Fosse
Gerrit Farman
imarobotking Resident
Johnny69 Latoe
Khaascee Khaos petite party with mossms on the dancefloor
Kiara Ayana with Dollie the Mossm 2 (RKS)
Lieselsiam Resident_ Mossmparty
loveable69 actor
LunaEnigma Mossm and celebs dance
LunaEnigma Mossm on head dancing
Opaline Passiflora
Reese Bovarro
Runsha Jeansia and LuvMeNow at The Blarney Stone
scottishattitude resident _ The ~Snakes~ Den, Wizard Valley
Serenciel Resident - Dapple and Seren CLUBBING!
Shari Azarov
Snapshot _ Hybridsblackheart Resident
Snapshot _ Marideath Morpork Mossm on head picture
SweetManu Resident
Tania Ivanovic
Tayler Fang
Tia Zadark
Tootsiepop1 Resident
Ziza Valeska
zocern Ampan
Aug. 4, 2015
9 years, 6 months ago
This Game Has Ended
Please take a snapshot of yourself wearing a baby Mossm on your head while dancing at a dance club and/or party. The picture must have at least 4 other people in addition to yourself in it.
Please put your resident name (not your display name) in the title of your picture and send your picture to Asymmetrical by August 15, 2015. On August 16, 2015 Asymmetrical will upload all of the images to Flickr where they will be shared with the entire group and will also send everyone who sent a qualifying image a cup stacking environment.