September Breeding Challenge
grins time for the new challenge good luck everyone
I tried so far with one set, But, could get the two colors together or zap to pass.. lol These babies arent being nice this month.
Not sure if this one is right can you please help
Racy Brim, that is close, but no it does not meet the challenge. The colors have to be Yellow-Green and Red with Zebra Blend and Zap Particle to meet the easy challenge.
Hi Racy. The post above is correct. The colors are not quite right. Close though!
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Aug. 30, 2015
9 years, 5 months ago
Each month we challenge Mossm fans to breed a specific type of Mossm. Players that are able to successfully create the Mossm win a new Mossm that contains special DNA (particle and eyes) that can only be obtained from breeding challenges (or the secondary market). Here is our September Breeding Challenge:
Easy Challenge:
Breed a Mossm that has all of the following DNA in it:
Successful breeding wins a mossm with this DNA scan: darkgrey-curly-pink-curly-honeybadger/school
Hard Challenge:
Breed a Mossm that has all of the following DNA in it:
Successful breeding wins a mossm with this DNA scan: darkgrey-curly-pink-curly-honeybadger/school and a voltage eye power-up that can be used during any breeding session.