The Mossm Academy- Get to know your Mossms 101
Thanks Crux I will keep a note of this awesome service to pass along to my customers
Your welcome, my pleasure to be able to assist others to become mossm addicts/haorders. Please hit me my box with any question or request you may have.
Mossm Hugs and happy mossercising!!
Feb. 18, 2016
9 years ago
All Mossm Breeders are welcome to join us every Thursday 5:30pm slt. The Mossm Academy is a great place for you to explore your inner Mossm addiction. The Academy will host topics from breeding, building(pathfinding), advertising, socialising with your fellow breeders. We will be hosting Mossm Training Classes too. If you would like you see a weekend classes , please give feed back.
Happy Mossercise