question for renters
If all of your items are returned at once they will go into your inventory as a multi cubed object. This cube is usually named after the last thing that went into it. If that happens I would suggest you go to an empty sand box that does not allow scripts and rez it out.If for some reason sl restraints will not allow the object to be rezed you would still be able to recover the Mossms threw the recovery process. Environments unfortunately can not be recovered in that situation.
a tusted landlord will not just kick you without a warning and wil give you some time to pick up your stuff.
As DJ Rob and Peanut say above, hopefully you'll have time to recover your items. People can't delete your items, only return them, so you should be able to go to a sandbox, rez the coalesced item, and get your stuff back.
But if you can't get your things back that way, you can easily have the mother ship send you any mossm you own from the Help / Recovery tool. If you lose environments and other options fail, we'll help you out; just file a ticket under Help / Customer Service.
We'll never let you be without your stuff! One way or another, we'll help you out.
hiii Knona, yes DJ Rob is so right about a trusted landlord but renters have to be trusted renters too =]
Ᵽɚαŋʉƭ mentioned that environments are not recoverable, so if you are renting land from someone who doesn't know you will lose those if returned, tell them :P
I usually either know the land owner or a trusted member of their staff, and it has to be someone who is either online a lot or knows how to check their notecards too =]
I'm brand new to mossms so I'm really glad you asked this question. I learned something new about mossms today!
welcome to Mossms Mamichula ,I am so happy to see you here. I wanted to correct my statement about lost environments. If you lose an environment as Progenitor said ,file a ticket and we will work with anyone on that matter.
Mossm Hugs from the Peanut
Thank you all for your responses. I just thought it should be brought up since I know many worry about their things being returned. I am a renter in a few places but I also rent our land out and I have always hated returning anything and make every attempt to contact and have them pick up their things.
Mossms Support ROCKS!!!
May 2, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago
What happens if someone is kicked from a rental? If their items and mossms are returned will they all go into the lost and found and will they be recoverable if needed?