Mossm Floor not working

Sept. 25, 2017
7 years, 4 months ago

I noticed lately my mossm floor is not working anymore. I have rebaked the region. Still they sink down into the floor. Any suggestions?

Sept. 26, 2017
7 years, 4 months ago

To me a week or so ago, they escape me to the next piece of ground, sometimes they return to the inventory and other times I have to go get them because they do not return, before this did not happen. the neighbor has no enviromentes but when she walks nearby they change the plot and they do not come back, I've put the enviroments further but it's still happening, they never crossed the line before...

Sept. 26, 2017
7 years, 4 months ago

I found this: Maybe this is why my floor is not working.
OpenSIM versions of FS do not have Havok. That only matters if you're uploading mesh objects and need to specify the mesh physics properties, or if you need to manipulate the region navmesh for pathfinding. The terms of the Havok license prohibit its use anywhere but Second Life, so it's not present in OpenSim versions. Furthermore, the Havok libraries are not currently available for 64-bit platforms.

Addar Beltz
Sept. 26, 2017
7 years, 4 months ago

Hello Isoly,

I tryied that pathfinding thing yesterday and today, following the steps of the help:

But it doesn't work to me. Actualy, when making the verifying, all my screen becomes black and not like in the picture in the help section.

After reading your last message, I downloaded the SL official viewer and try with that and the same happens to me. The walls and floors are like phantoms and the mossm cross through them.

Is there some kind of failure in the system?
I understand that Havok should work in SL official viewer.

If somebody achieves to put working the pathfinding with mossm I would appreciate the comments.


Sept. 26, 2017
7 years, 4 months ago

This can happen if you use a mesh or a sculpt as the floor or if objects intersect one another. Try using a regular prim and make sure it is not intersecting with other objects or the ground.

Addar Beltz
Sept. 27, 2017
7 years, 4 months ago

Hello Asym, I have used your advice. Put a regular prim as the floor and a regular prim wall on that floor. It looks like it works. Because the mossm is walking on the floor and when I call it with communicator, it doesn't cross the wall but it comes around it. Ok.

But my concern now is, I dont understand why the prims are like phantoms to the mossms. For example in the case of racing. If I ride a mossm, that wall and floor set up by pathfinding is ignored by my mossm. Is there any solution for this problem?

If I want to build a race track to practice with mossms there, how could I make the mossm not ignore the track border, a loop, some wall or any idea I could have building that track?

I dont know if I explain myself well. Sorry for being so pushy, lol.

Sept. 27, 2017
7 years, 4 months ago

I will try spacing it. I have used this floor for mossms extensively in the past with great results but not now.

Sept. 27, 2017
7 years, 4 months ago

Ok i made sure the floor was not touching walls or the floor under it and it seems to be working

Sept. 28, 2017
7 years, 4 months ago


The Mossms don't work like a regular vehicle and we did that on purpose. It's complicated to explain but the short version is this: Most vehicles are physical and when you add an avatar to it the speed and handling change based on the size and weight of the avatar. We wanted to the Mossms to have the same speed regardless of who was riding them.

Also, when you are riding a Mossm the pathfinding does not work so they will go through another object as if it weren't there. I realize that's a bit frustrating when they go off the track but at the same time... skill will be required to stay on the track. I personally got around this by doing drag races on a straight track.

Sept. 28, 2017
7 years, 4 months ago

Also, if your pathfinding is working correctly and some Mossms are still walking through walls (not while riding) then check their settings online, it's possible whoever had it before you set it to phantom.

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