Mossm Auction
it would be great if someone can do it manu.....i miss those auctions from dave and roy.....
Dave and Roy make an auctions break-rose Breedables is also no longer there
That's what I said-that there is a break at Rose Breedables but still there is no auction at the moment - For the reason I also ask if someone is willing to lead on my sim auctions. I have moved to a new SIM and can build there the Auctionssystem only missing with me an Auctioner
Unfortunately no one can find an auction and I will provide boards on my Sim Bid. That means you can rent a stand, set a starting bid and then hope that someone buys the cryo and above the start bid
Oct. 1, 2018
6 years, 4 months ago
Hello everyone
Who can imagine conducting an auction? -Auctions System I am providing