Are the auction/sales plate available?
Rob, the auction platforms are items we created for our sponsors. They are not for sale. However that does not prohibit you from hosting an auction of your own. Mossms will stand quite still for an auction if there are no environments around. :)
yes, but people have nothing to click to get the URL for the stats.
I dont really want them for an auction, more for direct sales since there is no easy way to get the stats of one sitting on a stand.
We're working on solving that problem as we speak! One of the many things coming is the ability to click the Mossm for stats.
What about the ability for 3rd party developers to obtain stat information via an API interface?
We don't have any API plans on our development radar right now.
Would be just as easy to make a NC generator. Past the information, owners name etc and then include the link.
Not as easy as rezzing your mossm on a stand that can read the statistics and display them for you. :)
bwaaaaah if you hate notecards raise your hand! *raises hand*
Rob said, "Not as easy as rezzing your mossm on a stand that can read the statistics and display them for you. :) "
True! =]
May 22, 2013
11 years, 9 months ago
How can we get these? Are they for sale somewhere?